Chanting, “We don’t care, we don’t care, let the world war ignite”

Decades are going to happen soon.

  • Bury The Right
    456 months ago

    Ho Chi Minh be shedding a tear of respect for the Yemenis in his grave right now.

    • @[email protected]
      136 months ago

      Add Europe and Australia…actually those are also America’s poodle. You covered all of them appropriately.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        Eh, poodles can be quite large and surprisingly threatening underneath the fluff. Australia is more like a bratty chihuahua.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          Alright, allow me to get a little more specific, a toy poodle that hangs out in the purse of a rich old lady. Bratty Chihuahua also works

          • Catradora-Stalinism☭
            36 months ago

            they’ve literally burned tens of millions in a quest for nothing but plunder so i don’t give a shit about their lives

            • deaf_fish
              16 months ago

              Wait each soldier personally, or in general due to orders? I thought it was less burning and more shooting?

              • Catradora-Stalinism☭
                16 months ago

                i’d personally prefer chlorine gas dropped on military housing, but we can compromise on stake burning

                it was lovely dealing with you comrade

                • deaf_fish
                  -26 months ago

                  I don’t think your my comrade, I think you just want to revenge kill people who didn’t commit the original crime. You talk about justice, but you don’t care about the details, so I don’t think you really care about justice.

    • @[email protected]OP
      186 months ago

      It so is, and so am I.

      Do you think the dictators of the US know they’re fucked? Like obviously working class libshits keep spewing about “huhu they’re gonna find out why we don’t have free healthcare” but like, the bourg has to know, right?

      • @Forester
        6 months ago

        What exactly do you think is going to happen? I really don’t think you comprehend the absolute ridiculous amount of funding that we divert from everything else into the military industrial complex. American strategic policy is to be able to simultaneously wage four full-blown continent spanning wars at once spread around the globe. I sincerely doubt that a bunch of pissed of Yemenites threaten the American military industrial complex. Yemmen may be a thorn but the US is a lion. Thorns discourage lions they don’t stop them.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          American strategic policy is to be able to simultaneously wage four full-blown continent spanning wars at once spread around the globe.

          Bruh they nearly run out of artillery ammo on a single proxy war. Entire US military is geared towards bombing defenseless countries and siphoning that “ridiculous amount of funding” you said into pockets of war profiteers. US military is exactly the same costeffective as US healthcare.

          • @Forester
            6 months ago

            The US has over 700 bases worldwide. This is for rapid deployment of forces. Those bases are stocked. The issue of supplying Ukraine with artillery munitions isn’t that we don’t have the munitions. It’s that we don’t want to touch our stockpile and we never will as it’s not to be used except in the case of all out war. Since we are not an howitzer based artillery dependant nation, and we are not directly at war with Russia we don’t exactly have much of our logistics pointed to production of those munitions as howitzer based artillery is an antiquated tertiary weapon platform. So we gave away the excess supply we had and now industry is retooling to meet the new orders for artillery production.

            • Krause [he/him]
              6 months ago

              The issue of supplying Ukraine with artillery munitions isn’t that we don’t have the munitions. It’s that we don’t want to touch our stockpile and we never will as it’s not to be used except in the case of all out war.

              And why do you think that is, genius? It’s because America and NATO don’t have the industrial capacity to replenish those shells in time.

              Since we are not an howitzer based artillery dependant nation

              Reality doesn’t work like that, there’s no such thing as an army that doesn’t rely on artillery in a land war unless you can get away with having air superiority against a nation that doesn’t have their own air force and air defen… do you see where I’m going with this?

              howitzer based artillery is an antiquated tertiary weapon platform

              lol you’re a joke!

              • @Forester
                6 months ago

                I’m glad you mentioned that last point about air superiority. Could you do me a favor and remind me which country owns the first largest Air Force? The second largest Air Force, and the third largest Air Force. Oh right that’s the USAF the USAAF and the USN.

                • Krause [he/him]
                  6 months ago

                  I see that irony is not your forte. I’m trying to tell you that the US cannot get away with the “air superiority” tactics they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc because countries like Russia and China have a lot of air defenses and their own air forces. Do you get it now?

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              an antiquated tertiary weapon platform

              XD this is why they have no ammo because for them the primary weapon are political bribes and drones which are good again weddings, and other tools of terror and “short victorious wars”.

              • @Forester
                6 months ago

                Ah yes, because when we invent a slap chop missile to minimize collateral damage, that’s a bad thing. Obviously it’s less efficient. Obviously it cost 200 times as much as an artillery shell. Clearly the logistically superior tactic is to fire a 120 mm artillery shell into a civilian crowded area and obliterate the entire wedding instead of just one car. Oh right, that’s what you don’t like…

                • Krause [he/him]
                  96 months ago

                  Obviously it’s less efficient. Obviously it cost 200 times as much as an artillery shell.

                  And that’s why it’s prioritized over artillery shell production, this way the MIC gets to launder more money. You’re almost self-aware.

                • @[email protected]
                  86 months ago

                  Bruh US military do doubletap to murder rescuers and actively participates in nearly every genocide sinde WW2.

        • @[email protected]
          136 months ago

          US is a lion.

          More like a paper tiger.

          I don’t know where you get that the US is « ready to wage 4 continent spanning wars » but last time I checked, most of US wars since ww2 ended up in humiliating defeat against third world countries with barely any Air Force and no way to strike back at America directly.

          • @Forester
            6 months ago

            Every conflict and note conflict not war as Congress has not declared war since world war II. Has been ended after America lost interest in continuing operations. Basically the country gets tired of punching down and destroying the lives of the third world in that specific geographic location and losing men for no real gain. Once the fatigue has spread widely enough, and our politicians get bored we pull out. We have not been defeated militarily once, we’ve given up several times on many lost causes and prolonged shit shows. The thing with democracies is if the conflict is unpopular enough then the conflict is eventually ended because we lose interest in fighting.

            Now here comes Russia attempting to do the same thing that we’ve done for the last 70 years and they are having many of the same issues with their “special military operation” as we have had with our “conflicts” except they don’t have the logistical base to actually supply their troops.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Nobody takes the American military seriously after Vietnam and Afghanistan. Nobody here thinks Yemenis will be in Washington tomorrow. All we’re saying is this will turn into a quagmire that the US will eventually lose just like Afghanistan or any other war the US has participated in after WW2.

          • @Forester
            6 months ago

            So you agree with my summary that it will be a thorn. One that will be swiftly forgotten once we are no longer standing on it. The US has a monopoly on violence. I’m not saying it’s justified. I’m stating that it’s wise to not pick fights far above your ability to punch.

              • @Forester
                6 months ago

                I don’t think your definition of lose and the American definition of lose quite align. The American objective is to inflict violence until the annoyance stops. Once the annoyance stops we have won and we leave. Long-Term stability is irrelevant. The cost in human life is irrelevant.

                The only relevance is whether or not the American public wants to see more violence doled out.

                • o_d [he/him]
                  86 months ago

                  Oh yes. Let’s all just capitulate to America’s interests. Resistance is futile so we should all just accept American hegemony and their psychotic neoliberal doctrine. Gtfo

                • @[email protected]
                  76 months ago

                  I don’t think your definition of lose and the American definition of lose quite align


                  « We didn’t lose in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc actually, we decided to leave because we were bored of this stupid war already, but we would have definitely won if we decided to stay trust me bro »

                  Literal US defense department cope.

                  Once the annoyance stops we have won and we leave.

                  Ha yes, the US totally got what they wanted in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Etc. And that’s why they left.

  • @[email protected]
    386 months ago

    I hope they get some good anti air and start shooting down jets, drones, whatever. I know nothing of what capabilities they have but I would love to see US and UK shit getting blown up.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    “Man, what a decade…”

    “Dude it’s only been a week.”

    Though, I’m curious if the US will actually go to war with Yemen (and end up like another Vietnam or Afghanistan situation) or not due to this report being a thing.

  • @[email protected]
    76 months ago

    The US and allies have been attacked in the region 130 times since October 17th. This was inevitable, they should be glad it wasn’t worse.