Chanting, “We don’t care, we don’t care, let the world war ignite”

Decades are going to happen soon.

  • @Forester
    6 months ago

    I’m glad you mentioned that last point about air superiority. Could you do me a favor and remind me which country owns the first largest Air Force? The second largest Air Force, and the third largest Air Force. Oh right that’s the USAF the USAAF and the USN.

    • Krause [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I see that irony is not your forte. I’m trying to tell you that the US cannot get away with the “air superiority” tactics they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc because countries like Russia and China have a lot of air defenses and their own air forces. Do you get it now?

      • @Forester
        6 months ago

        Replying as a second comment. Just so you see this, but this was intended as an edit. Russia can’t defend its own airspace from drone attacks based out of Ukraine. You realize this right? Not saturation attacks, just straight up commercial grade civilian drones 15 to 20 of them launched at a time. Traveling several hundred miles into Russian airspace and detonating on targets… They cannot detect them, let alone defend from them. I would expect China and India to have much better capabilities however.

        • @[email protected]
          86 months ago

          This is an idiotic argument. Ukraine has one third of all western AD in Europe and it is still unable to fully defend against Russian drones and missiles. Smaller, lower flying targets are harder to detect and hit than big manned jets. They are also more expendable so you can afford to use them more recklessly. Drones are regularly shot down in great numbers or brought down by EW, if this happened to manned aircraft it would be a disaster. If the US tried using its jets against any country with halfway decent AD its pilots who took years and billions of dollars to train would start dying like flies, not to mention aircraft being destroyed that is thousands of times more expensive than a drone, and there would be the mother of all scandals back home. The US has no capacity to absorb real losses, it’s why they only pick on the most defenseless countries and non-state actors.

      • @Forester
        6 months ago

        Do you understand that the reason that the US is having its proxy war in Ukraine is that we get to test all of our equipment for free? So far we are not impressed by the fact that Russia’s top of the line gear is being smacked down by our shit from 1990. While our air defense systems are still operational and dishing out punishment.

        • Krause [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Do you understand that the reason that the US is having its proxy war in Ukraine is that…

          The containment strategy against Russia is failed and they decided to fight back, yes

          we get to test all of our equipment for free

          I wouldn’t call throwing EU economies into recession and disarming NATO “free” lol

          So far we are not impressed by the fact that Russia’s top of the line gear is being smacked down by our shit from 1990.

          You live in fantasy land, Ukraine is getting pounded by Russia, abandoned by America and you’re still high off the MSM farts with stories of pensioners downing jets with rifles and Russian generals dying every week

          • @Forester
            -26 months ago

            Disarming NATO lol

            NATO countries donating outdated equipment and using it as an excuse to buy new toys. Yes totally disarmed.

            It’s cost the US 3%of it’s Military budget to have Russian capabilities utterly crippled. And this conflict has encouraged inter-european cooperation and strengthened NATO logistics for minimal year-over-year cost increase. However, as Russia is finding out, Europe does not need Russian energy.

            • Krause [he/him]
              6 months ago

              NATO countries donating outdated equipment and using it as an excuse to buy new toys. Yes totally disarmed.

              Good luck using the “new toys” without the munitions for them!

              It’s cost the US 3%of it’s Military budget to have Russian capabilities utterly crippled.

              According to top US generals they’re actually stronger than before the war started, cope harder


              However, as Russia is finding out, Europe does not need Russian energy.

              Europe is buying Russian gas and oil at a markup from third parties like India to evade sanctions, America is literally buying DIRECTLY from Russia, both at above the “market cap” they tried to set lol

              America also pays billions for nuclear energy from Russia:

                • Krause [he/him]
                  6 months ago

                  100% of the Russian armed forces is either dead or wounded? You can’t seriously believe these insane propaganda numbers LMFAO

                  Who’s fighting against the Ukrainian army? Ghosts? Zombies? Fucking clown.

                  • @Forester
                    6 months ago

                    Me thinks that you don’t understand logistics or math. If Russia started the invasion with 360,000 troops and more than $360,000 troops have been wounded then that would be a 100% casualty rate. Fortunately for Russia. Unfortunately, for Russians, there are a lot of men in Russia and the Russian leaders like to use meat grinder tactics.

                    From what are analysts are able to scratch up roughly 80% of the combatants that have seen action have been wounded thus far. Replacements have been regularly cycled in.