Chanting, “We don’t care, we don’t care, let the world war ignite”

Decades are going to happen soon.

  • @Forester
    6 months ago

    Every conflict and note conflict not war as Congress has not declared war since world war II. Has been ended after America lost interest in continuing operations. Basically the country gets tired of punching down and destroying the lives of the third world in that specific geographic location and losing men for no real gain. Once the fatigue has spread widely enough, and our politicians get bored we pull out. We have not been defeated militarily once, we’ve given up several times on many lost causes and prolonged shit shows. The thing with democracies is if the conflict is unpopular enough then the conflict is eventually ended because we lose interest in fighting.

    Now here comes Russia attempting to do the same thing that we’ve done for the last 70 years and they are having many of the same issues with their “special military operation” as we have had with our “conflicts” except they don’t have the logistical base to actually supply their troops.