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Ponylux 1 A story written by Ferolux

This is a story of a kinky nature. The main topic of this story is ‘pet play’, and to be more exact, pony play. It’s focused on the gear and partially on the sexual aspect of pony play. Just to be clear, pony play and pet play in general is NOT focused on sexuality. For most pet players it is a way to relax from the troubles of life, or simply to feel more connected to the animal that’s inside all of us. After all, humans are animals with the privilege of growing a more advanced brain than other species.

“Oh wow! Look at that, Lucy! All that gear…”, Ferolux almost shouted at Lucy, who was walking slowly a few meters behind him as she stowed away her entry ticket. “Slow down, Fero, we have enough time to look at everything, the event only just started!”

Three days earlier

“What are you looking at and thinking about, Fero? I can’t sleep when you are so active down here…” Lucy mumbled as her once soft pillow called Ferolux became uncomfortably hard. It was midday and the two anthro felines were resting on their couch. Luscinia was a bit tired and had made herself comfortable, resting her head on Fero’s lap. “I was browsing that kinky social media page, the one I’m fairly active on. And well, someone linked the homepage of a pet play event here in our vicinity. I’m just browsing through their info page." Lucy shifted her body around until she was looking up at Fero’s face between him and his tablet. “Since it seems like I won’t get my soft pillow back any time soon, I might as well ask what exactly that event is. So, tell me what you’re reading about it.”

“PetCon - The animal inside all of us.”, Ferolux read out loud. “Everything you always wanted to learn about pet play. From theory to practical experience, from neutral to kink, from newcomers to experienced pets, from bark to meow. PetCon welcomes every adult with open doors. The small entrance fee guarantees your privacy on the convention grounds as well as testing gear for different animals in our many pavilions. Free food and drinks are available during the whole convention. It offers different terrains and surroundings to test the gear or find the animal inside you.” The jaguar stopped and looked down at Lucy. “What do you think? Would you go there with me?”

Lucy mused about the fair for a while. Since her head still rested on Fero’s lap, she could feel how excited he was about that event and the possibility to try on some gear. She knew he always loved kinky gear and wanted to try all kinds of it, especially pony play gear. But she also knew that the naughty kitty enjoyed it particularly to let her choose what he should put on and for how long. „Huh. It does sound interesting. What do I get from coming with you? I mean I could do other stuff on that day… I wanted to go shopping for some new clothes and a new bow.“ She made a playfully sad face while she lifted one arm to her head, moving her paw between it and his legs, then searched for what was already hard against the back of her head. “Hng …” Ferolux huffed, enjoying Lucy’s paw on his manhood. “We can go shopping after the event, it’s pretty close to the town center. If you come with me, I’ll go shopping with you for as long as you like.” Lucy tilted her head slightly, considering what Fero said in her very own way. “Hm… Okay. Deal! So what animal would you want to be most at that event? I do get the feeling I know what it is. You have been talking about that a lot recently, my naughty kitty ponylux.” She took the tablet out of his paws while still having her other paw at his genitals. “Yes… You want to be my pony. All geared up and forced into pony headspace.” His pants suddenly seemed way too tight to handle the situation. Lucy smiled at Fero, who was speechless, and at the same time tore his pants off of him with her smoky grey claws, freeing his manhood allowing the dick to stand up until it was stopped by the side of Lucy’s head. “Hnng… What are you-?” “Oh nothing. I’m just making sure my pillow gets soft again soon, so I can sleep.”, the tigress interrupted him, rolled around and let his dick slide deep into her mouth in one fluent movement. “Uuuhhh…” The jaguar moaned as he felt his body relax, enjoying Lucy’s very skilled tongue.


The homepage didn’t lie about the privacy of the people attending the convention. The whole convention ground was surrounded by a high wall and contained huge grass plains as well as a big part of the town’s forest amd an old farmhouse with two big stables. The entrance to the convention was through one of the stable buildings. When entering, people were guided through the long building. Each of the stalls was assigned to different pet play animals. The only thing in those stalls were pictures as well as short descriptions and explanations about the animal and different ways how it was played. Some basic gear was also shown in the stalls. The animals in pet play ranged from the ones usually known and associated with it, like puppies, ponies and pigs, to lesser known animals like cats and rabbits and even to animals most pet players didn’t even know about, like tortoises. Overall it was like a modern museum that was very well equipped and offered all basic information about pet play. At the end of the building was a table where tickets were sold and where people entering had their tickets stamped.

When Ferolux and Luscinia went through those stables, the space was packed with people. Most of them were people who randomly saw the event and decided to see what it was about. Some people, like Ferolux seemed very interested in the topic and looked very closely at every stall. The amount of people shaking their head in disbelief and leaving was surprisingly low. The amount of people entering the con at this early time wasn’t very high either, but many of the attendees asked about ticket availability in a few hours. They wanted to come later. The jaguar and the tigress entered after checking all the stalls. Ferolux was a bit faster to enter and moved towards the first pavilions, not noticing that Lucy asked about re-entering the convention. Lucy smiled with an evil grin when she was told that it was indeed possible. She had already worked out a plan for this particular day…

“Oh wow! Look at that, Lucy! All that gear…”, Ferolux almost shouted at Lucy, who was walking slowly a few meters behind him as she stowed away her entry ticket. “Slow down, Fero, we have enough time to look at everything, the event only just started!” He seemed so happy and in his element. Lucy was happy he was wearing his normal brown pants now. She was pretty sure his manhood would embarrass her soon if he was nude… He had left his sword belt at home, so he didn’t have to take it off first if he wanted to try on some gear. His tail was happily flicking around as the jaguar reached the first pavilion full of gear. Most of the gear was something Ferolux had seen before, but since this was a puppy-gear seller, that was to be expected. After all puppies were very well known all over the world. The jaguar couldn’t imagine himself to play a puppy or dog, but they did have nice masks. “Oh wow. Even I know much of this gear from pics you showed me, Fero.”, Lucy mumbled as she caught up to him. “Haha, yes. Puppies are all over the internet.”, he replied. He picked up one of the masks on display on a foam mannequin. It was made of thick latex but had way more details than the ones he had seen so many times. He brushed his paw over the smooth and shiny material and thought about putting it on, but then decided to look around first. “I might come back for this one later. I want to look around more first.” He put it back and turned away towards the next pavilions. Lucy took the chance and quickly bought one of the leather leashes. Then she dashed back to the jaguar, trying to keep up with him.

It was easy to catch up to him as the convention was still fairly empty. But that was their plan. Rather be an early bird and get a good look at everything before it’s too crowded. Lucy held the leash behind her back, then grabbed Fero’s arm with her other paw, turning him around. “Hey, slow down!” She pulled him close and gave him a very long kiss that ended with a metallic ‘click’ as she let the carabiner of the leash snap onto ring of his collar. “You wanted me here to look at things and to accompany you. That means we go where I want to go and when I want to go! Understood?” The jaguar nodded. “Good. Now there was a stall about turtles in the entrance, I want to see what that was about.”, Lucy said and softly tugged on the leash, leading the jaguar through the convention grounds towards a pavilion with a turtle as banner, passing many other pavilions on the way. The shopkeeper welcomed the two felines with open arms. She was a rather muscular ferret about half as tall Lucy and Ferolux. She explained some things about playing a turtle, but the felines were too focused on the shells that were laying inside the pavilion. They were made for different sized anthropomorphic people. It looked like they could be opened for the person to get in. “You enter these to play a turtle?”, Lucy asked the ferret in disbelief. “It seems pretty uncomfortable…” “Not uncomfortable. Just a little bit restricting. And you need quite some strength and endurance to walk around in those. Do you want to try one on?” The shopkeeper opened a shell that would fit the felines. “No thank you, but my mate would love to. He’s pretty muscular, right, Fero?”

“Uhm. I didn’t…”, the Jaguar started, but was interrupted by a strong tug on the leash. “Well, yes. Of course, I want to try it.” He gave Lucy an I-will-have-revenge-face, then got down and into the shell. It really wasn’t uncomfortable, but he had to spread his legs wide to get into the right position that allowed him to poke out only a bit more than his feet through the leg holes. It was the same for his arms. He would have to use a lot of strength in this position to lift himself and the shell up from the floor and move a little bit like a spider. “Hahaha that looks funny! You should see yourself, Fero! It fits you.”, Lucy giggled and turned to the shopkeeper. “Sorry, it probably isn’t as funny to you, but he came here to try things, so I’m making him try stuff. And he didn’t expect this! You two should do a turtle race. If you have a shell for yourself that is…” The shopkeeper smiled wide, then quickly got into one of the shells in her size. Lucy claimed a finish line that was about 10 meters away, then watched the two turtles move in a very funny way. The shopkeeper obviously had lots of practice as it didn’t take her more than a few seconds to reach the imaginary finish line, but Ferolux struggled a lot to move the heavy and restricting shell. “Hahaha, get out, Fero, you lost.”

“Hmm… no, wait! Stay inside. And practice some more. Stay here with the shopkeeper, I’ll go to the toilet really quick.” Lucy handed the leash that was still on Feros collar to the shopkeeper who had already left her shell and put it back into the pavilion. She gladly took the leash and was also smiling very wide. “That’s an order, Fero, stay here until I am back!” Lucy turned towards the shopkeeper: “If it takes too long, or you get customers, just put the leash to a post or a tree, let him be your model for that time.” As the shopkeeper nodded happily, Lucy walked off, secretly giving her some money.

It took Lucy only a few steps to get out of Fero’s view. The turtle pavilion was in one of the last corners of the event as the shells needed some space. At least that’s what Lucy guessed. She didn’t care for the actual reason. She just wanted to not be seen by Fero. He was well cared for and she had some minutes to take very quick looks at some pavilions and figure out if what she had planned would work. She passed many pavilions which, from what she could see, offered very interesting things, but she needed to get to the pony play pavilion. It was rather easy to find as it wasn’t a pavilion, but way bigger. There were multiple shopkeepers there, still setting up box after box of gear. They unloaded the boxes from a carriage that was pulled by two human ponies. “Oh, how fitting.”, Lucy snickered as she entered the bigger tent. The nice, somewhat oily smell of leather greeted her. There was so much gear to look at! She took a few minutes to give it all a glance, then went over to one of the shopkeepers who was putting some gear onto a mannequin. Right as she wanted to start a conversation with the male wolf, she was touched on her shoulder by someone behind her. “Excuse me, ma’am, Ridolf is quite busy at the moment. We have some mannequins missing, so he must rearrange most of them to present some new gear that was supposed to go on newer mannequins. May I help you instead?” Lucy was a too surprised to answer right away, the woman talking to her was a very pretty and slim-built dragoness. She wore a well-crafted harness for pulling sulkies as well as some pretty knee-high pony boots. “Oh, uhm. Yes, I hope you can help me. Actually… I have a proposal. It might help with your mannequin problem.”, Lucy answered and pointed at the wolf, still fiddling with one of the mannequins. “I am all ears, ma’am. We hope to show all our gear at this convention.”, the dragoness replied and gave Lucy a very interested smile.

10 minutes later

“Where is my cute little turtle? There it is!” Lucy playfully circled around the turtle pavilion, and let herself drop onto the shell Ferolux was still stuck in. “Sorry it took so long, my kitty cat, but I met a nice girl on the way, and you know… girls do girl things and then poof, some minutes were gone.”, she giggled, rolled down from the shell and started to open it. “I hope you had a good time? Is this your new favorite animal?” “Well, it was quite entertaining, actually. The shopkeeper let me race some other costumers as they came by and I won two out of three races. But it really is hard on the muscles though. I’m glad you’re back now.” Ferolux slowly got out of the shell while Lucy grabbed his leash and loosened it from the pole the shopkeeper had put it on. “Okay. Many more things to see, but since you were waiting so nice, we’ll start at your favorite animal. Well, not your favorite, but the one you wanted to try the most.” “Ahh yes! Pony-play!” Ferolux exclaimed happily. He followed Lucy through the convention grounds, his tail flicking even happier.

When the two felines arrived at the pony play area, Ferolux was stunned at how big it was and how many things they had put on display. They had different types of carts and sulkies as well as a very wide range of harnesses for the ponies. They ranged from simple to very detailed and they all looked like pieces of superb craftsmanship. “Wow, Lucy, look at all the harnesses, they are so pretty! Look at that craftsmanship. Clean stitches, nice edges and the rivets are like a tiny mirror.” The jaguar didn’t know where to look first. If it wasn’t for the leash on his collar he would’ve bounced around the whole area like a lightning bolt. “Yes, these outfits are indeed stunning. I bet you can’t decide what things you want to test, right?”, Lucy said with a wide smile on her face. “I have no idea where to start. I mean, look at all the gear. So amazing! Ahh theses hoof boots over there! So–” “Okay, okay, I got it. Well, I already figured you wouldn’t be able to decide what to try first, so me and my new friend over here decided for you. Zrihangou, if you would be so nice…”, Lucy turned towards the pretty dragoness she met earlier. The jaguar didn’t know what to think. The pony boots and the harness fit the dragoness’ scales perfectly and gave her a unique and stunning look. She stepped closer and held something behind her back as she started talking: ”Your girlfriend here told me about you when we met earlier. You really want to try on some pretty pony gear, right? She also told me you wouldn’t be able to decide. But she didn’t mean it like you think right now…” “Oh, now I see why going to the toilet took so long…” Ferolux mumbled, but he was interrupted by Zrihangou immediately: ”First thing about ponies. They don’t talk. And I was told you wouldn’t shut up when you are excited about kinky things. Now, open up!” The dragoness pulled a bridle from behind her back and held the rubber covered metal pieces right in front of Ferolux’ muzzle. “What…?”, Ferolux tried to give words to his thoughts, but it was the perfect chance for the bite gag to enter his mouth. “Now, be a good pony and don’t resist. We got plans for you.” The harness was carefully pulled onto the jaguar’s head, shut in the back and adjusted to the feline’s shape. The bite gag was pulled as deep into the mouth as possible and made it impossible for the cat to talk. He did manage to close his lips, so he wouldn’t drool all over the place, but talking was not working. On the sides of his eyes were small leather flaps, decreasing his field of view, only allowing him to see what was in front of him. Lucy giggled as Ferolux looked very confused. Despite his expression, he seemed to enjoy it a lot. “You see, my kitty cat, you always told me you wanted to try being a pony, so I took the chance and made that possible. I want you to be the prettiest stallion on this convention, and Zrihangou was so kind to make a deal with me. But I am talking too much, she knows more about ponies and the gear than I do, so we decided that she’d do the honors of putting you in gear.” “Hey… you left the part out where I said I never dressed a stallion. I only made gear for mares so far, and helped them get dressed.” The pony-dragoness playfully complained as she took Fero’s leash from Lucy’s paws and tugged on it. “Follow me. Knees high! Like this.” The dragoness raised her right leg until the knee was a perfect 90-degree angle, then put it down in front of her other leg, shifted her weight onto it and did the same with the other leg. Each time the pony boot hit the wooden floor inside the pony tent, a muffled ‘clonk’ could be heard. “90 degree angle, nothing else!” she said and slowly moved forward past the tables with all kinds of gear on them.

The jaguar had some troubles keeping up with her as he was focused on doing it right, not fast. Zrihangou always kept a little bit of tension on the leash, but moved slowly, keeping a close eye on the new stallion’s movement. “Very good so far. A bit slow, but that’s okay for a first-timer.” They got closer to their destination, a table covered with different hoof-gloves. They ranged from very realistic, with fur to more abstract ones that only barely reminded of real hoofs. “Wow… those are gorgeous.” Lucy stepped closer and looked at the gloves. “I didn’t have the time to look at things when we talked earlier, but damn, I think I know why he likes pony gear so much. It is very well crafted.” The tigress took a short and furred glove with hoof and hoof iron and pushed one of her paws into it. She had to roll it up into a fist to get it all the way in, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. “Yes, those gloves, and the same with boots, require a very high level of skill and knowledge about the materials used.” The dragoness helped Lucy to get the glove off, put it away and went around the table pulling Ferolux after her. “This here…” she bent down and browsed under the table, “is one of our newest models. It was supposed to be on a mannequin, but as you can see, they are all filled already.” She grabbed a shoulder long glove that had lacing all the way from the wrist to the end as well as three cuffs along the way. The glove was made from heavy but soft black leather with dark green lacing and dark brown cuffs. The hoof was made of metal and had hoof irons that were made of rubber. “He wants those! I know it. Let’s get them on, I want to see it.”, Lucy almost shouted immediately. She was surprised by her own enthusiasm, but the gloves really did look amazing, and it was a funny coincidence that the green laces would fit perfectly to the jaguar’s colors. “Hahaha, okay okay. But let me tell you, I made boots of this design as well.” Zrihangou grabbed a second glove, handed one to Lucy and started to loosen the laces on the other one. “Arms to the side, 45 degrees!” she ordered Fero and gave him a tug on the leash. It was hard to tell for Lucy, but the dragoness knew exactly what smiling with a bridle in your mouth looks like. “He’d definitely have chosen those, good eye, Lucy.” Then she slipped the glove over his right arm, pulling it all the way up to the shoulder. Ferolux was testing out what he could do with his fist inside the metal hoof. It did feel like it was padded and soft, but as he imagined there was no movement possible at all. Lucy slipped the other glove up his left arm effectively making both his paws completely useless.

Tightening the laces went surprisingly fast and soon the gloves fit onto the jaguars’ arms like they were a second skin. Cuffs were closed, and the two women stepped back a little, letting the leash go, giving Ferolux the chance to grab it. He failed. “Yup. You’ll have to train your stallion, that’s for sure. Most of the mares I dressed were already trained in ponyplay, they’d easily have grabbed that leash and maybe even managed to tie a knot into it.”, Zrihangou laughed and turned towards another table, with the matching boots below it. “Oh, Lucy, you might want to start with what you suggested to add to the deal. They are under the table to your left.”, she added. Lucy bent down and grabbed something, then went closer to Fero, squeezing herself against him, hugging him tightly. “Close your eyes, my big kitty stallion. Trust me and you’ll get a nice reward in the end.” He closed his eyes as Lucy gave him a long and deep kiss.

“Click.” Ferolux’ ears twitched.

“Click.” His eyes remained shut.

“Click.” The kiss was damn amazing.

“Click.” He tried to move his tongue around the gag to meet Lucy’s.

“Click.” Lucy felt something in his pants.

“Click.” She ignored it for now and added something to her plans.

Lucy ended the kiss, pulled away from her kitty cat, grabbed both his hoofs and held them together in front of her. “Open your eyes. You are mine now.” Ferolux saw the shiny golden locks on the cuffs and smiled at Lucy, as good as he could. “You’ll be the missing mannequin for this booth for today. You’ll advertise Zrihangou’s new gloves and boots and whatever we decide to put you into. You’ll play a pony for today. My pony. My stallion. And when you played your role well, I will reward you. If you play it bad….” she walked two of her fingers towards the lock on his wrist cuff. “Let’s say I might lose the keys like they lost their mannequin.” Lucy licked her lips and smiled at her mate. “Neeiigh”, the jaguar replied, trying to make a horse sound.

Zrihangou arrived with the fitting boots and wanted to give them to Lucy, when she saw the bulge in Ferolux’ pants. “Oh. Uhm… well… that doesn’t happen with mares… You know he needs to be naked for these boots, right? Any ideas?”, the dragoness stammered and slowly put the boots onto the next table, happy that now there were no other customers to see the situation. “Hm… let me think for a second.”, Lucy replied and started to walk around between the tables. She looked at some things and let her mind collect all kinds of ideas. “Ah. I might have an idea. I saw it on some ponyplay pics he showed me. Some of the stallions were wearing chastity cages or belts combined with their outfit. Do you have something like that?” Lucy asked and looked at Fero, who obviously felt uncomfortable with the idea of wearing a chastity device in front of other people. He had been wearing some when he was alone with Lucy, but in public it was a completely different thing. “Yes! We have some of those. I never saw them in action though. Are you sure that’s the right thing for him? I do have to say it would fit to the outfit I have in mind for him.” The dragoness giggled a bit. “But uhm… I don’t want to… you know… touch him there. It’s something different than with girls.” Zrihangou blushed and suddenly seemed a little uncomfortable as if she had said something that she didn’t intend to. “Oh, it is okay. He’s my mate after all. I did put cages on him before or, better said, helped him with it. And don’t worry. The second thing is okay as well.”, Lucy smiled and winked at Zrihangou, but Ferolux also understood what the dragoness said and strongly nodded at what Lucy said about her being a lesbian. “Thank you two very much. We do have a fitting room here. Maybe we should continue there.” She didn’t wait for a reply, instead she grabbed the leash and pulled Ferolux after her, giving him a strong tug and a mad face as he didn’t lift his legs like she ordered earlier. “Legs!” The fitting room was small, but big enough for three people to move around. On one side there was a pole with multiple rings and hooks on it. Zrihangou secured the leash onto that post and made sure it wouldn’t wriggle off easily. “Okay. Lucy, can you come with me? We should decide on what he should wear. I do think you’ll like what I have in mind.” With that they left Ferolux alone.

Ferolux could hear some giggling as well as some talking outside, but he couldn’t make out any words. He decided not to care and took a closer look at the hoof gloves. They really were beautifully made and of very high quality. They’d probably cost a fortune and he got to wear them. He thought about what the two girls said. He was going to be showing off that dragoness’ new gear as well as whatever they chose to put onto him. What scared him the most was that they decided to lock his manhood in some kind of chastity belt. Everyone would be able to see it. It was embarrassing. He couldn’t do anything about it though. And with that thought he realized that his pants got tighter. Obviously, some deeper part of his being liked that idea very much and tried to force the reasonable and embarrassed part away. It was a hard fight, but the more he thought about it, the more he liked it. No one here knew who they were. He could be a male model for fetish gear for all they would know. Ferolux liked that thought. He never thought he would like to be a kinky fetish model, but with this event and whatever outfit they would put onto him, he felt good. He might be enjoying this forced situation in the end. It didn’t take long for the two women to come back. They were carrying a box full of gear. Ferolux could see a big metal part as well as what seemed to be a leather harness. He wasn’t sure what else there was.

“Okay. Let’s get those pants off. I hope you are a good kitty and that dick of yours stays inside its fluffy sheath.” Lucy said and opened the belt of Fero’s pants. She opened them up and pulled them down together with his boxers’ underneath. She didn’t do it slowly and erotically like she sometimes did when they were alone, but quickly pulled them off, not giving his manhood any attention. It was poking out of the sheath a little bit. She could see the green knobbed tip of it. “Nanana… Bad stallion. What did I say? Well, we have something for that later. Now let’s get those damn pretty boots on. I want to see how it looks on you.” Zrihangou grabbed a boot, opened it up and had Ferolux lift one of his legs. “You know the drill. 90 degrees. And stand still, a good Pony can stand like a statue on one hoof as long as they are ordered.” Ferolux easily stood on one leg and covered his manhood with his hooves. It was not problem at all for the jaguar. “Good. I guess felines do have a nice balance.” the dragoness said and slipped the boot all the way up Fero’s leg. The boot ended at his thigh and even in loose state, it felt like a second skin. When ordered, he put the hoof down with a muffled rubbery ‘clonk’. Even though he didn’t yet put his weight onto the leg, it felt good already. It had a firm grip on his paw and allowed a tiny bit of ankle up and down movement. Zrihangou laced the boot, then continued the same procedure on the other leg. When she was done, Lucy stepped in and closed the cuffs on ankles and thighs.

“Wow. It looks amazing on you, my kitty stallion. Thank you for letting him model your gear, Zrihangou.” Lucy was amazed by how well the gloves, boots and head harness fit Fero. But she knew what would come and smiled even wider at the thought. “So. Fero… Do you remember all the times you wanted to see me in a corset? All the times you showed me pictures of nice corsets? Well, Zri and I decided that you will be wearing a corset today. I know there were quite a few pics of males in corsets in those pics you showed me. I am not stupid, I got the hint. Zri, let’s go for it. Let’s get that kitty ponied up!” “All right, I was just waiting for that!” The dragoness replied and grabbed a big black leather corset from the box they carried into the dressing room. The corset was made from strong leather and had the same dark green lacing in the back. In the front it was closed by well-hidden metal hooks and five dark brown leather straps with buckles, just like on the gloves and boots. There were more of the dark brown straps on the corset, but for now Fero didn’t know what those were for. Lucy took the corset from Zrihangou to feel it in her paws. “Wow. That is some heavy and thick leather, but it feels so soft. And it smells nice. I might get a bit jealous of you, Fero.”, she said and opened up the buckles and metal hooks. Then she placed the corset loosely around his waist and closed it again. The dragoness had already stepped behind the Jaguar and started pulling it tight. Ferolux was focused on the feeling of the corset getting tighter and forming his body nicely. There was no mirror in the dressing room, but looking down on himself, he liked what he was seeing.

He liked it so much, that Lucy was happy the dragoness couldn’t see his front side right now. Zri didn’t pull the corset too tight, as Ferolux was untrained and Lucy had told her that none of the pics he showed her were corsets that were meant for extreme waist-reduction. She knew that her kitty cat mostly loved the looks and the support it gave to the spine, as well as how restrictive it would be. So that’s exactly the kind of corset the two girls chose for him. “Okay, Lucy, I wouldn’t go tighter than this. It does shape his body a bit, hugs his curves nicely and is restrictive enough so he gets all the sensations he likes.” The dragoness brushed over the sides of the corset, following the curves. Then she made sure the lacing was nicely done. She hid the knot and remaining strings inside a well-hidden pocket on the lower edge of the corset right next the lacing. “Turn around. I need to…” She started, when Lucy interrupted her. “Uhm, I think you should give me that metal thing first. I am quite sure you don’t want to be in front of him right now.”, she giggled. “Oh. I understand. Uhm… Ah yes, here it is. I guess you’ll have to figure out how to put that on.” The dragoness blushed a bit, stepped back a little bit and turned away after handing the chastity cage to Lucy. Lucy was lucky and knew something she could do that would let Feros erection die down. After about a minute, she could finally start putting the cage on. She slid his balls through a metal ring that was part of a crotch-strap. She fixed the two buckles to the front of the corset, then slid the cage onto Ferolux’ sheath. “Click.”

The lock was in place. The jaguar had bad thoughts about being embarrassed again, but there really was nothing he could do. Lucy didn’t even look up to him or gave him any attention while she locked his manhood away. She stepped around him and grabbed the other straps of the crotch piece and pulled them back until she could fix them to the corset’s backside. The straps went between his butt cheeks and only separated at the very end to attach to both sides of the corset. “Alright, all caged up, you should be fine again, Zri”, Lucy giggled and turned Fero around, just as Zri was looking at them again. “Ah yes, much better. I can work with that.” The dragoness smiled and snipped a finger against the cage as she walked over to the box with the rest of the gear. She giggled even more, and Lucy joined in. “Aha! Not so scared now, are you? Well, I guess it will be fine for outside then. No one will be scared if you aren’t.”

Zrihangou took some leather straps and gave them to Lucy. “Those two here go there, this one, …” she pointed at some sort of harness, “…goes onto the back.” Lucy took the gear and quickly added the short straps to the sides of the corset, connecting it with the upper most cuffs on the legs. They didn’t really need to be there, but it looked nice. Then she fastened one part of the harness to the two fix-points where the crotch harness was held in place on the backside. “Fero, hold still, no tail movement.”, she ordered, and started putting the harness onto his tail. She closed cuff after cuff going all the way down his fluffy tail. Zrihangou took the leash from the jaguar’s collar and threw it into the box. “Okay, as Lucy said, hold still. I will need to lift this thing over your head.” Then she grabbed a roundish piece of metal that had black leather padding on the inside as well as multiple dark brown straps going away from it. Once the dragoness had lifted it over Ferolux’ head, he could feel the weight of it resting comfortably on his shoulders. The padding was very soft and the whole pieces fit perfectly onto him. She quickly connected the straps that connected with the corset in the front, the back as well as the two sides. From the side straps, she added two tiny straps that went to the top of the gloves, connecting it to the rest of the outfit. Lucy was just done closing all the straps. She giggled at the bells at the very end of Fero’s tail. “I didn’t see those were on here… Nice addition, Zri. Okay, time to finish him up for the day.” The dragoness grabbed a big handful of small padlocks from the box and handed them over to Lucy.

“Click.” She started with the corset. One after the other she locked every buckle she could find.

“Click.” “Click.”

With each lock she could see how the jaguar’s manhood was struggling against the cage. It was quite uncomfortable to be so turned on in such a small cage, but there was nothing he could change. Nothing he would want to change. He was hers for today.

“Click.” Lucy closed the locks on every single strap going around his tail. At last, she locked the pouch where the lacing of the corset was hidden inside, effectively locking Fero inside the corset. “You really are mine now. And I do have to say, you look pretty damn hot in this… Hot enough for others to see.” Lucy brushed her paws over Ferolux’ body as she walked around him a few times, then grabbed his head and gave him another long and deep kiss. As good as it was possible with the bridle in his mouth. After the kiss, she grabbed the reigns Zrihangou was holding and clipped them to both sides of the bridle. “Time to go out!”

A promise given cannot be revoked

It didn’t take them too long to put the gear on Ferolux, but when the three left the dressing room, the pony-play pavilion was packed with people. Once they heard the bells on Ferolux’ tail ringing quietly, they all turned towards the little group and made huge eyes.

“Ladies and gentleman, Ponies, mares and stallions. May I present to you, my newest creation, this time shown off on a live mannequin. A jaguar who was so kind to volunteer and show my creation all over the convention. He will be lead around by his beautiful tigress. You may touch my creations and inspect them, but only within reason. If Lucy, the tigress here, tells you to stop or not to touch certain areas, her word is law.” Zrihangou instructed the crowd with a louder voice than both felines expected. “I have more of this outfit here to look at and browse through, if you want to buy anything. Oh, one more thing. As always, there are two baskets with one-time-use bridle gags. All Ponies, mares and stallions must be kept silent while inside the pony booth. A Pony doesn’t talk. Happy shopping to everyone!” The dragoness ended her little speech and turned toward the two felines. “Thank you very much for being my mannequin. I know it wasn’t your choice, but I am very sure it is what you wanted. As Lucy explained, this deal is for the whole day, but you may go wherever you want. I always know where to find my gear. It is a treasure to me, and I am a dragon after all.” Zri didn’t wait for a response. Instead, she bowed down a bit and stepped aside, giving her customers free space to look at her mannequin and her creations.

The first wave of customers and people just looking at the gear took about 30 minutes to roll over the two felines, but Lucy was smiling and giggling during every second of it. The people were very respectful, and she only once had to tell someone to not touch Ferolux’ chastity cage. He was getting lots of compliments, and those people were right, the jaguar did look amazing in the outfit. Lucy was proud of him and thought that he must feel like a celebrity model right now. After the first wave was over, Ferolux started to walk around the booth, always keeping his knees high and his posture straight. He looked at all the gear and although everything he saw was very pretty, he was feeling like he was wearing the most amazing gear. “So, how is my stallion? Want to go look at all the other pavilions? The convention is very big and there is much to see.” Lucy asked and gave Fero a gentle slap on the naked butt. The stallion nodded and let the bells on his tail ring for Lucy. Then he playfully grabbed his leash, softly held by Lucy, with his hooves, kissed it as good as he could with the bridle gag in his mouth, and offered it back to Lucy. “Okay, I understand, my kitty stallion. I will decide where to go. I want to see the cats first. Let’s see how someone plays well, ‘us’…” Lucy giggled and softly tugged on the leash as she started walking. “Knees high!”, she reminded Fero one last time.

They spent almost three hours walking around, looking at things and being looked at. Lots of people were interested in the gear Fero was wearing and thus, the two felines hardly managed to walk as fast as they wanted to. “I’m getting hungry and tired. I want to go grab something to eat and sit down a bit.”, the tigress said and looked Fero in the eyes. There were only a few fast food pavilions on the convention grounds, but they were in the complete opposite direction of where they were going. “Nnneeighh?” The jaguar tried to imitate a horse. “Yes, you are right. We are not going to eat here. Do you remember what I said? I want to shop a bit in town as well. So, we’ll have some nice food in a restaurant there.” Ferolux shook his head and stood still, revolting against the tigress. “Neeiighh! Neigh!” “Do you want to be a bad horse? A stallion who doesn’t keep his promises? You promised me, and a promise once given cannot be revoked. Same goes for the promise I gave you when I locked all that gear on you. If you’re a bad horse, I might lose those keys… Now follow me, I am hungry.” Lucy said with a demanding tone while she tugged hard on the leash and started walking. The jaguar looked down on himself, then followed her like a good stallion.




With each step they got closer to the town center. Each step making the jaguar think about what he got himself into. Each step making him smile a bit wider.