How does it feel when a foreign employer treats you like dirt, yanks? Tell me all about it.
How does it feel when a foreign employer treats you like dirt, yanks? Tell me all about it.
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why would Russia sell it knowing this
capitalists will sell you the rope to hang them
Thank you!
Managed to snatch 4 more books recommended there for cheap. :)
Growing up in the USSR I loved Cipollino, very disappointed to find out there is no English translation. It seems the only Gianni Rodari book translated into English is “The Moon of Kyiv” and they only published it recently in response to the war. Anglos always manage to find new creative ways to disappoint me when I thought that’s no longer possible.
Thank you! Found it used for cheap. :)
I also have a 6 year old, can you recommend any other leftist children’s books?
I wonder how many people need to freeze to death while energy profits reach new heights every year, for Euros to realise something needs to change…
Who am I kidding, they will go full Nazi and blame Muslims and Chinese.
Trust me bro, fucking with Russia was totally a great idea, things are looking up for EU and UK
But this also shows Russia could’ve done what China is doing and limit sales to EU as leverage, instead of a full scale invasion.
Watch an interview on YT?
Regardless, equating Ukraine as such with neonazis is idiocy. It’s current govt is a puppet of the Western ruling class (not of the local neonazis, mind you) but earlier governments were more aligned with Russia.
The war is destroying Ukraine and it’s people, it was provoked by the West and Minsk 2 was the best possible option for Ukraine back when it was on the table. Some form of peace agreement is the only way Ukraine can survive and it has to include losing some territory, demilitarising, and committing to neutrality. I consider this the only way forward and I fully support Ukraine and it’s people to reaching it. The likes of Chomsky advocated for that all along, and they also invariably consider this to be (the only real) way of supporting Ukraine. So, supporting Ukraine does not equal supporting their local Nazis, let alone supporting NATO or US imperialism.
Again, you can’t equate the very idea of Ukrainian statehood with Nazism. Some symbolism, like red and black flag or “Slava Ukraini” salute, are fully linked to Nazism and have to go. Others, like blue and yellow flag or tryzub, are simply symbols of Ukrainian state and can’t be reduced to Nazism.
I’m a Barbara pit enjoyer as well.
Just so I understand, are you saying e.g. Chomsky supported Nazis?
(Very late edit) Also, how can you say Ukraine has “nothing to do” with it’s past just 35 years ago. Do you know how many people still remember the USSR? It’s ridiculous
I’m old, I was raised in Ukraine when it was part of the USSR, I’ll never see Russia invading Ukraine as acceptable, let alone applaud it. I saw UkrSSR as a sovereign member of the union, as did all the Ukrainians back then, aside from literally a few complete loonies who would also tell you all the communist party leaders are secretly Jews. I hope Ukraine can be sovereign again, subservient neither to Russian nor Western oligarchs, even though that’s not happening any time soon.
Donbass situation was horrible but the Russian invasion was undeniably an escalation, and it achieved many goals of the US, both military and economic. The price was paid by Ukrainians (and economically to some extent Europeans although they might get theirs back from the plunder).
As for the Westerners, to me the ones who don’t want to keep pumping weapons into Ukraine and want a peaceful end to the war, basically what the likes of Chomsky and Corbyn were saying from the start, have the right idea.
I downvoted this little buddy
The original disillusionment movement was leftward. Huge numbers joined Labour under Corbyn. But “respectable” media and political figures, especially the “liberal left” - your Guardian and Labour “moderates” - fought tooth and nail to destroy this popular movement. They would rather push the people to fascism to preserve capitalism.
This is literally the same story every single time fascism comes to power. It does so on the ashes of a leftist movement demolished by the socdems.
At this point Reform is literally the only viable “alternative” to status quo cause the left was decimated. If the economy collapses, we’ll have pogroms and stuff.
As a wage worker myself, if I’m not increasing shareholder profits, then what’s even the point, you know? It’s in our nature, we’re servile people.
Because that’s how you make a profit. If profits are too low, nobody invests (or rather they invest in other, more profitable economies) and everything grinds to a halt.
The unwashed monied masses.
Literally Hitler (not even a joke, just the same path to power)
Also when seeing things like that always remember systems that restrict moneyed interests influence in politics are considered fundamentally unfree.
Thank you for writing this, really well put!
Obviously they paint this as a conflict between fascism and western liberal feminism. It’s all about Silicon Valey “gendered roots”, “male power” etc. Nothing about the economic basis of the rise of fascism, about tech firms crushing labour movements, about their need for rare minerals mined in the imperial periphery to push cheap hardware, their need to keep the periphery destabilised so they can superexploit the workforce to assemble said hardware, and charge exorbitant fees for software developed in the imperial core, etc.