Looks amazing, but I really wanted amd so I could make a chimeraOS gaming console
Looks amazing, but I really wanted amd so I could make a chimeraOS gaming console
Kingaroon K3PS, dip your toes in first a little.
Dave the diver is a blast. The premise is simple and fun but it’s constantly evolving and building on what’s there with a charming cast of characters and events. Id highly recommend it.
I never finished them! I should
Red Dead Redemption 2
Life Is Strange: True Colors
I think the intention is for it to have deep grooves and lines like that to mimic a wood texture. But to us it just looks like big bad layer lines
GraphineOS for my main device. I also have a gaming handheld, Retroid Pocket 3+ running lineageOS
I hate how easy it was for me to think of ten
Retroarch for everything that it will run well. Mgba on retroarch for sure
I got replacement speakers but that was not the problem. I do not see anywhere to get a replacement audio board or ribbon cables.
If you see anywhere, let me know!
I broke the audio on my steam deck doing a shekl swap. It has to be a hardware issue but i took it apart and back together again like 3 times. Oh well, i got a aya neo geek 1s on the way, im sure ill miss the deck and continue to use bluetooth audio
I’m enjoying LibreTube as well
Better screen doesn’t mean higher resolution exclusively
I’d uninstall Brave if you care about privacy. Also check out the creator…
41k -> 60k -> 70k -> 85k -> 100k -> 110k (2018-2023) That 41 -> 60 felt huge. 60 -> 70 felt like a drop, it was a job change and I lost overtime and we were paid every 2 weeks instead of twice a month. (26 paychecks instead of 24)
These days, what makes all the difference are the bonus programs. My income is generally 25% higher than my base through company stock programs, bonuses and high performance grants.
Good time to try out Gotdot.
I think you should talk to a professional. That’s what they’re there for.
This is not tech news?
If you want direct play of the file, play around with different clients. Encoding 4k can be taxing on a system. Some jellyfin clients just don’t support the media format for direct pass through.