I am eyeing Dave the Diver and The Forgotten City. I am just waiting to get my OLED Deck and start playing them.
I don’t really need any new game as I have a substantial backlog and hopefully with the Deck I will start to clear it.
I am already looking forward to the holidays.
Dave the diver is a blast. The premise is simple and fun but it’s constantly evolving and building on what’s there with a charming cast of characters and events. Id highly recommend it.
I went into The Forgotten City completely blind and found it to be very compelling and creative experience that I didn’t want to stop playing. I hope you enjoy it if you decide to buy it!
Do not buy Dave the Diver as it is published by Nexon.
What’s wrong with that?
Some quick searches suggest Nexon having a pretty poor reputation on account of aggressive micro transactions/loot boxes. That is pretty shitty behavior for sure.
I wonder if purchasing a game like DtD, a game without such poison, is helpful to send a message that people like games without these predatory tactics.
Who am I kidding? It wouldn’t change anything.
I am thoroughly whelmed.
Nothing! I’m going with a Sega Dreamcast/Gamecube classic, and jumping into Phantasy Star Online BB for the holiday weekend. Apparently private server even has a guide for getting it running on Steam Deck (or any Linux distro), but I’ll just be playing on PC.
So far the only thing I’ve picked up is Xenotilt, and it’s pretty fun. I’m tempted to get Diablo 4 (my friends have been playing it and they tell me the new season is a lot better than the last one), but I hate the always online requirement and how they’ve implemented it.
Just bought Lil Gator Game, Just finished Lil Gator Game.
Was moved to tears multiple times.
In all seriousness, I recommend it as fuck. And it plays amazing on the deck too.
Okay, i’m instantly in
Ooh, I forgot Hat in Time was a thing, I guess I should play it even if a little late
Probably buying Cult of the Lamb. Waiting to get my OLED Deck first though, still only at “packaged”. :/
I’m not thrilled by that developer, “unity is terrible, I’m de-listing my game on new years day” is now “that was a joke tweet”. I never had a problem with unity trying to monotize their problem, but the knee jerk reaction from the gaming community was reactionary and showed immaturity, that some developers (cult of the Lamb included) jumped onboard, and now are trying to play the “it was a joke” card, is pathetic and has made me decide to remove their product from my wish list, when I should be buying it. (Discovered this today when checking out the discussion board, apparently they’re planning dlc which has been delayed to next year, which is aftwr they were supposed to be de-listing)
I mean, it was also reactionary by Unity and they’ve since walked back their executable fee plan for legacy applications. If that didn’t happen I have no doubt Cult would have been pulled, because what indie can afford to pay PER INSTALL?
I fully blame unity for the debacle and fall out, and don’t think it’s right to blame devs for backtracking after unity put new conditions on the table.
Sure, but I don’t appreciate childish antics by devs, apparently for the sole purpose of catching a hype wave.
I’ve written them off and will not be purchasing their game, as every time there’s a slight inconvenience it seems they’ll throw their hands up and threaten to stop developing their game. It’s not the industry they should be in imo. (See also fez)
The industry backlash wasn’t about any hype wave. My game is nowhere near marketable yet, but I internally switched to using godot despite how much work I have to repeat because unity has declared hostile intent towards indie games. Even if they walked it back the threat of their whims is still there.