Thought that was the theme for Windows 11
Thought that was the theme for Windows 11
Just another 20 years…
At what point does the court break out a physical gag? I hope it’s soon.
It’s a Google problem, Firfox’s built in privacy tools are working as intended.
That saves me a shitload on a vasectomy.
Isn’t weird we see less and less Trick or Treaters every year?
Plenty of unemployed AI ethics folks around to ask.
They could release DLC until they are blue in the face. My point was that a full priced AAA game from a company that a) has been making this kind of game for nearly two decades, and b) has been using the same same in-house game engine to do it, should be able to put together a hand crafted world for their 100+ hour game.
I understand it is a massive undertaking, but that no reason sell shit.
That ship sailed when they’ll released the game.
Not if the news media has anything to say about it! More at 11.
Leave it as a problem for future you. Enjoy your time off.
The actors genuinely enjoying themselves.
Maybe don’t invest in pyramid schemes?
How else am I going to learn the finer points of the ISO standard on floating point data?
If you’re looking for an app Tasty is fairly good.
The more precisely you can count time, the more precisely and finely you can measure other things. This not only applies to fast phenomenon. It can also be used for syncing up multiple measurements made in different places; like that image of a black hole we got a couple of years ago.
It’s another step in getting a finer resolution on the universe.
Tl;Dr They are trying to make a better atomic clock that could provide a more precise definition of a second then we currently have.
Time to start pulling on them bootstraps.