This is slander
This is slander
This destination already contains a file named “Data.exe”.
Would you like to replace it?
This was very confusing the first time Data explained it to me.
It’s… a caaaake
Sorry for the fake out
Captain… Jean Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise… Makeitmakeitmakeitso
This fits his character perfectly
I’ve always been curious about commissioning art (various D&D campaigns), but I wouldn’t even know where to look, much less how to reasonably compare prices.
I would watch this.
Oh, I meant the calculation seems reasonable if that’s what they were considering. The thought of owing that large of a car payment per month sounds insane to me.
If I can’t put down enough to get under $250/month, then I can’t afford the car, in my opinion.
Please share it here if you ever do!
Ok, that doesn’t sound unreasonable then if someone finances a large percentage of an expensive car. Is this clickbait?
Those facial expressions are really selling it. Brent Spiner could have made a good mime!
This comment made me realize that Odo’s people aren’t so different from the Borg.
Jesus christ
What a tool
That’s no moon…
Hey, it’s a miracle that I can even speak