Am I the only one who finds the wording ‘accused him of rape’ very icky’
Am I the only one who finds the wording ‘accused him of rape’ very icky’
Skiena’s Algorithm design manual is very widely recommended for learning algorithms, I’ve also heard good things about A common sense guide to algorithms and data structures. Skiena’s also has video lectures on YouTube if you prefer videos.
From what I’ve seen, a common sense guide seems to be more geared towards newer programmers while Skiena assumes more experience. Consequently, Skiena goes into more depth while A common sense guide seems to be more focused on what you specifically asked for. algorithm design manual
I love how by default most tables were wooden and the balls were mostly about baseball size
There’s a Wattpad Novel, “Running with Scissor”, where the mc’s body and soul are separated by some sort of spell and he has to recover his body before midnight or the spell becomes permanent. It’s pretty good absurdist humour reminescent of The Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy.
I liked the OCaml website
Bow by Zeal & Ardor
I love how eerie this is
I used to get sleep paralysis fairly frequently a while back. Some nights it would happen multiple times in a row. I never had any hallucinations, and for some reason I could always wake up properly by focusing really hard on my right foot.
I’ve honestly forgotten how fucking cool the pipe operator is