• @[email protected]
    4910 months ago

    I miss it so bad. I try to make Mastadon work but it just doesn’t without the people I want to hear from. Just having bots echo what those accounts say along with the lack of interaction makes it less fun.

    • RoundcatOP
      10 months ago

      I’ve just learned to follow smaller accounts with similar interest. As a celebrity follow machine, it’s awful because nobody is really on there officially except for a handful of people.

      Hashtags are much more important on Masto too cause without an algorithm, its one of the only ways your posts are visible to others. I find with the right combo of tags though, I can get a decent amount of interaction.

      There was a good solid week where most of my attention was focused on Mastodon. I guess it all depends on what you were originally using twitter for. I guess it clicked for me cause I barely used twitter to begin with.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        hashtag are much more important on Masto

        And this is why the First Twitter Exodus was so miserable. Back then following tags or searching tags was a part of the interface but didn’t work.

    • kspatlas
      910 months ago

      Maybe try just browsing the local feed or looking up hashtags of things you like, might help you find new people

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      Maybe a monthly/quarterly coordinated push to get people to migrate would be more effective at making it push through, rather than tiny blips of “Hey, maybe Mastodon?” on occasion.

      And then whenever people inevitably try it and decide not to stay, as I did, make sure to pick up on any feedback and take it seriously. Maybe after a year it’ll be a genuinely desirable alternative.

      I personally think it’s a messy pile of junk.

    • @[email protected]
      -110 months ago

      Beep boop, I’m a bot or some shit like that.

      I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with I miss it so bad. This makes my face sad. I see you’ve already tried troubleshooting by try to make Mastadon work but it jus... and were perhaps unsuccessful. We’re always trying to improve, in fact we independently recently identified an issue with Just having bots echo what those accounts say along wi... and were impressed that you’d even notice such a specific issue! Less than 1% of our users are as talented and observant as you are. We truly care, so keep those comments coming and we can help you interaction makes it less fun..

      Have a great day!

      Satisfied with this response? Let us know what you think!

  • @[email protected]
    4010 months ago

    I could also call it the “Linux struggle”

    "Windows and Microsoft spy on you, it breaks, it’s heavy, its hardware requirements are too hard, windows updates…

    • you could try Linux, you can even game on it nowadays.

    • naaah it’s too complicated. Anyway, gotta edit the registry to disable a feature"


    • sixty
      1810 months ago

      It IS too complicated tho. I consider myself pretty techy, but my Linux experience, just trying to do basic things like downloading a program, became a long chain of troubleshooting and installations of dependecies and searching online for answers.

      Sadly, it got me REAL turned off Linux. I love the concept of it, but at the end of the day, I just want something that works.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        just trying to do basic things like downloading a program, became a long chain of troubleshooting and installations of dependecies and searching online

        Why, are you using Gentoo?
        Package management is by far one of the easiest things on Linux, especially with Flatpak, even easier than on Windows that, for comparison, got a package manager only recently and it’s still barebones af

        • @[email protected]
          910 months ago

          As a long time Linux user, I was amazed when the entire tech industry “invented” package management a couple of decades after Linux. Did you know Apple invented the idea of being able to install an app and all its dependencies, signed by a central authority? So much easier than any other OS before it!

      • @[email protected]
        810 months ago

        I’ve been using a Mac since 1991, so to say I’m invested in a particular OS already would be an understatement. That said, I’ve also tried Linux many times, and in the long run I’ve abandoned each of those for ridiculously simply things I think it should be able to do that will take me more time than I’m willing to lose to get that simple thing to work. I -work in IT- and I still don’t want to sped my off-time troubleshooting problems. Learning, yes. Fixing, not so much.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Sounds like you really don’t want to learn smth new and you don’t want people to think you are lazy.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        I’ve run into these issues in the few years since I’ve switched. Old outdated stuff or windows exclusive software can be a hassle to get running. Possible, but your putting a square peg in a round hole.

        Were flatpaks a thing when you tried Linux last? Flatpak makes installing most programs extremely easy. I just search my distros software store and hit install. As a bonus, you often get newer versions than when you install software traditionally, and updates can be set to automatically download.

        I’ve run Pop OS since 2019. I have never reinstalled and I only touch the terminal maybe once every 6 months. Absolutely everything I do is GUI.

      • @[email protected]
        -210 months ago

        Yes, let me just buy a new CPU, disable telemetry by this random EXE from the internet, and get everything broken with every update.

        Not even drivers are better on Windows.

        Besides, what do you download and on which distro to solve dependencies manually?

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Honestly, People on lemmy are outlandishly pro Linux. I will say that the primary thing that people use, Twitter, Reddit, windows, ends up working a lot better than the alternatives. I love my instance but it’s downtime is like 1 nines at this point. If that. I dedicate time to check out Linux distros every year since 2012 when it stopped being my daily driver and constantly hit problems that I just do not want to deal with.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        What does “1 nines” mean?

        By the way thanks for actually trying out Linux before deciding that Windows works better for you.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Ah, I see. 90% is unbearable for me. I would move away from any instance with a uptime of less than 95% no matter how much their ideology aligns with mine (unless the admins promise to improve it).

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          No problem. I make games for Windows/Linux and still believe Linux one day can be for me again. I still script in bash using WSL rather than batch or powershell. I use an array of open-source software rather than Windows-locked apps. This year I’ve used OpenSuse, Debian, Pop_OS, Manjaro, Garuda, and Linux Mint.

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        And whatever you do, don’t say “Apple” lest you release the banshees that somehow think Android isn’t just Google spyware. Seriously, Android core OS will end up as easily corrupted as Chrome in the long run, but sure, keep thinking it’s freedom I guess.

        • magnetosphere
          10 months ago

          I think people like Android devices because you can put a completely different, non-google OS on them.

          Some Android fans don’t quite get that, and some aren’t specific with their language, so it reads like they’re talking about how secure the Android OS is. That’s my guess, anyway.

    • ThunderingJerboa
      1810 months ago

      I mean for people who aren’t influencers it doesn’t make much sense. For influencers, even though some people hate twitter or whatever its called now it is the place with one of the largest presences/userbases around. Many influencers use that to their advantage to grow their own userbase. Some influencers can move over and maybe convert some of their audiences over but realistically you need a very big player to do it beforehand.

      • @[email protected]
        1910 months ago

        With twitter in particular, I really really don’t get how any leftists are still on there. Its like, beguiling.

        Honestly, if you are any kind of a progressive or leftist or just don’t identify as a rightwing piece of shit, and are still on twitter once Elon took it over, you might be a part of the problem.

        I know its an extreme take, but I’m like, fresh out of fucks.

        • RoundcatOP
          710 months ago

          Like I’m forgiving of artists because most of their customer base is there, and internationally, alt platforms are even more unknown. I am somewhat forgiving of journalists who want to reach the widest amount of people possible, despite the fact that Musk has been intentionally targeting and censoring journalists he doesn’t like.

          I really don’t get a lot of leftist or liberal content creators though. Many constantly push the message that you vote with your wallet, and discourage patronizing businesses, services, or franchises that actively hate or harm marginalized people. Yet at the same time, they are using a platform owned by some who is literally trying to make the platform as hostile to marginalized people as possible. A lot of users have left twitter because they no longer feel safe using the platform. In fact, the reason you see a lot of queer people here on fediverse is because many of them are twitter refugees.

          And yet many leftist and liberal creators remain on twitter, exclusively in fact. I could understand it if they pushed some content to alts to keep within reach of users that left while still maintaining their fanbase on twitter, but many of them won’t even touch any of the alternatives, much less make themselves more reachable on youtube or other social platforms. By remaining on twitter, they are encouraging their userbase to remain as well, which creates engagement, which benefits ad companies who pay Musk, who funnels that into groups and causes that undermine their audience.

          At this point, It is an integrity test for me. How large is this creator’s following on twitter? How often does this person post and interact on twitter? and what have they said in the past about interacting with harmful brands? What’s their excuse for remaining if any, and would they had accepted that excuse if the shoe was on the other foot?

          I accept some people have an addiction, and as someone who tried to leave reddit many times, I know it can be a hard one to kick. But if your brand is built on integrity, standing up for the marginalized, and being ethical with your consumption habbits, remaining active on twitter is not a good look to me.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          But what about the comic?! The comic says I don’t have to change my lifestyle to align with my purported values! It absolves me of my responsibility to do anything beyond complain, no matter how trivial the change required! Doesn’t the comic say complaining about a problem is basically just as good as actually contributing to fixing it?

          • Rainhall
            210 months ago

            I can’t remember if Milo or Binkley said it, but “there are no moral absolutes in a complex world.”

  • AItoothbrush
    2410 months ago

    When people dont wanna switch to madtodon because its another app and too lazy to set it up but everyone suddenly starts using threads when facebook releases it.

    • @[email protected]
      1610 months ago

      It’s a lot easier when it’s a seamless transition vs a new platform. Also, it seems like the usage took a nosedive.

      • stebo
        1010 months ago

        I’m glad it did. Imagine: People keep complaining about Xitter, refuse to use Mastodon, then suddenly all migrate to Meta because new platform hype. This almost actually happened and I think the only reasons it didn’t is that Threads is inaccessible in Europe and from what I’ve heard the app was crap.

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      Too many people are just so basic they won’t even consider trying anything but “mainstream”. If Lemmy or Mastodon became mainstream platforms, you can bet they would come in masses because “there’s where everyone’s at.”

  • @[email protected]
    1510 months ago

    It truly baffles me that anyone at all is still on the platform formerly known as twitter at this point.

  • @[email protected]
    1210 months ago

    I’d be down to use Mastodon but no one I know uses it so there’s nothing to do. Pain.

      • Corgana
        610 months ago

        For real. I hang out with my friends IRL, I don’t need to follow them online. I’m on Mastodon to get what they can’t offer (all my friends are idiots).

        • Alex
          110 months ago

          I use Instagram for talking to friends (and others my age from my country), and mastodon for online friends, and more tech-savvy people.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      I only use twitter through nitter. I just want these people to mirror their shit to an RSS feed.

    • Veloxization
      1210 months ago

      Formerly known as Calckey. Twitter replacement similarly to Mastodon. Also uses ActivityPub.

    • Uvine_Umarylis
      10 months ago

      Using it rn, it’s forked from Misskey and is in alpha rn

      It feels like mastodon but they sprinkled in a few telegram features tbh.

      Much better than mastodon in terms of user experience tho

      • superkret
        310 months ago

        The reason normal people don’t switch, in a nutshell.

  • JoYo
    1010 months ago

    Or like all the youtubers making bank by complaining about youtube.

  • @[email protected]
    910 months ago

    Really, I’m still on Twitter because I follow a lot of my favorite artists there, and they sure don’t have Mastodon.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Artists are the only thing I miss. Yes, I did already find a bunch of new ones on mastodon, but it’s still not nearly enough.

      • Roundcat
        910 months ago

        You’re talking to a site with many former redditors who left a lot of comfort and communities behind to tell the reddit staff they can’t get any with infringing on users’ safety, comfort, and accessibility. afaic they are superior cause by simply being here, helping fediverse grow, and interacting with reddit as little as possible, they are sending that message louder and clearer than any of the redditors who caved in their protests and remained.

        I shit on former redditors a lot. I complain about some of the culture they dragged along with them that is neither conductive or helpful to creating meaningful conversation. I even complain sometimes this place can feel a lot like reddit at times. But if there is one thing I can say about much of the former reddit community here is they are people of their convictions. Their integrity meant more to them than the comfort they enjoyed on the former site.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        He should call it Twitter now that the name is available again. Wouldn’t that be hilarious if he just made Twitter all over again and everyone on X went back to Twitter?

        I know that won’t happen but it would be super funny to see how Elon reacts to it.

          • Rozaŭtuno
            210 months ago

            But if the rat stops using the Twitter trademark he’s gonna lose it, right?

            • panCatE
              310 months ago

              No musk when purchased twitter, the trademark was part of it , he can hold on to it as long as they want !

    • Resol van Lemmy
      410 months ago

      It’s the fediverse Lite (doesn’t work with ActivityPub, it’s its own protocol). It’s also Twitter Lite (created by the founder of Twitter, now known as X). It’s the worst of both worlds.

    • magnetosphere
      10 months ago

      Bluesky started out being owned by Twitter (pre Musk), but became a completely separate company (also pre Musk). Somewhat like Mastadon, it is intended to be decentralized. It’s still in beta, so it’s not freely open to the public yet - you have to get an invitation from someone who already uses it.

      How do they plan to make money? “We’ll be publishing a blog post on our monetization plans in a few weeks, and we’ll share more then” according to Emily Liu, part of the Bluesky team.



  • people_are_cute
    510 months ago

    It’s a shame but it’s also true none of the options are a real alternative to Twitter. Twitter’s main strength comes from the number of creators it has and the discoverability of content for general users. None have succeeded in breaking it.

    • @[email protected]
      1510 months ago

      Discoverability of content above average? On Twitter? An I doing something wrong? The only time I end up on Twitter is when someone links to it. Following or even searching in comments is essentially not possible.

        • @[email protected]
          710 months ago

          talking heads

          You may find yourself

          Posting on a shutdown server

          And you may find yourself

          In another part of the web

          And you may find yourself

          On a beautiful site

          With a beautiful admin

          And you may say to yourself

          How did I get here?

    • RoundcatOP
      510 months ago

      Well it’s not like the Youtube comment section is where I would expect anyone to safely interact.