Well, I guess I’d better start the ball rolling. And since I’m going by the name “Awoos the Kinkwolf” nowadays, I think that means I have to ask if anyone wants to share what kinks they have, and what gets them off.

Personally, I just love bondage and BDSM in general. Something about being under someone else’s control is just really nice, especially if it’s nice and restrictive and/or they tease me~ Sadly my life at the moment means I’ve not really had a chance to try it IRL yet, but I do like watching it in porn.

  • @Eagle0600
    31 year ago

    I like weight gain, hermaphrodites, pregnancy. A bit of mawhandling can be interesting too. I’ve never been particularly into bondage, discipline, or sadomasochism, but a little bit of dominance or submission can be hot, though I don’t know if I’d actually enjoy it.