Do you like what you do? Do you like your industry but dislike your job? Do you like your job but not the industry? If the salary was $200k what would your ideal job be?

  • @Tahssi
    21 year ago

    There are parts of my job that I like and parts that I dislike. I like working with my hands and solving problems, I like not dealing with customers. I like being in a union and all the benefits of that and when I become a journeyman I’ll be making a little over 100k a year so the money will be good. I dislike the conditions sometimes, a week or so ago it was probably 30°F IN the building (New building, no heat, was 19°F outside), it also gets rather hot and humid in the summers here. The commute can be long depending on jobsite location. If the salary was 200K and if it wasn’t hard to get into I think I’d like to work in a national park or animal sanctuary.

    • @l_b_iOP
      21 year ago

      Grass is always greener and all that. I work an office/lab job. I wonder sometimes if I would have enjoyed working a trade. I think I could get behind parks or sanctuaries.

      • @Tahssi
        21 year ago

        True! I feel like I wouldn’t enjoy an office job that much honestly, but I have never worked so so I wouldn’t know for sure. I definitely wouldn’t say I dislike my job. I do enjoy it so far. Just certain aspects of it I don’t care for lol