Hello everyone! My name is Kyle. I’m a 27 year old software engineer living in Southern California. I’m married but we’re poly so I’m open to relationships. Despite loving furry stuff for as long as I can remember I’ve only recently started to call myself a furry. Now I’m looking to meet other furries and learn what you’re all about. 💜

I have no specific goals in mind. I mostly just want to make some new friends. Depending on how things go I might to meet you, date you, game with you, or anything else really.

Feel free to PM me if you’re interested.

  • @l_b_i
    16 months ago

    I’ve gone by a few names, but I’m trying to consolidate under l_b_i. I’m originally from the Mid Atlantic area and really want to move back there.

    I dabble in professional and hobbyist in embedded electronic things, hardware, software, programmable hardware, anything really. Recently I’ve been trying to learn some web stuff. My current time sink is solving well crafted variant Sudokus.

    I’ve been enjoying furry art since I first found it just over 10 years ago, but I’ve only started interacting online since joining here.