The fans really rose to the occasion.

  • I Cast Fist
    27 months ago

    Binaries at around 61MB, which has the full engine code. I don’t know about feature parity, but the skeleton animation still needs some work, it throws a fuckload of errors when you fiddle with certain modifiers, like InverseKinematics (seriously, it’ll throw a line of error pointing to that per frame. Won’t crash or anything, but it’s annoying as fuck and gets in the way of debugging). Still, for wholly 2D games, it’s leagues better than Unity, once you understand how to do stuff

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Regarding per-frame errors (it used to SUCK being on early beta, a lot of things did that), can’t you just disable that specific error from getting logged and/or throwing a warning? I can’t remember how, but I could swear I’ve done it before.

      • I Cast Fist
        17 months ago

        Never managed to find a way to do that, so I just make the animations then turn off the skeleton modifier in order to avoid that.