Special thanks to @[email protected] for setting it up in the first place and keeping it going, and for the awesome new helper. And special thanks to to @[email protected] for his daily memeing.

Something happened a few months ago that made me decide to stop lurking. I still fight my anxiety about posting, but I think I’m getting the leg up. Its like a filling up room here, enough people to have a conversation, but not so many that shouting over people is the only way to be heard. Thank you to all who participate in my silly discussions. Thank you to those who comment. Thank you to all who post, even when its not my thing, its nice to see life here.

Have a question for me? Want to thank someone?

  • @l_b_iOP
    67 months ago

    Much of lemmy outside of memes, piracy, and linux is a bit dead. Take [email protected] It has 8k subscribers and the most recent race has 76 comments. /r/formula1 has 3.4M subscribers (500x) and the most recent race has 10.3k comments (135x). I like the little bit smaller feeling of lemmy, but probably a little too small right now.

    As for mastodon, I don’t have an account over there, but finding people is hard unless you already know they are there. To start, you have the decision issue of which instance to join, then you have the discovery and de-federation issues present in the fediverse in general. Its super hard to browse twitter without an account now, but from what I can see, bluesky is the next destination and many have abandoned mastodon. I think that’s because bluesky fixes both of the main issues with the fediverse. There is only one of it, and everyone is on the same one. Unfortunately its closed to guests and will likely suffer the same fate as all VC supported social media.

    I don’t even know if letting people know about lemmy would help much. There are already so many other places people are present, are the interested in yet another?

    A little bit of the activity from me is also due to the emptiness here. I wanted more so I decided to be the change I want to see. Unfortunately for everyone else here, my favorites are niche of niche.

    I’m certainly not part of any community, except I guess yiffit, but I’ve also never really given it a shot.