• @[email protected]
    -148 months ago

    Interesting take

    Would it not be better to teach kids that handguns are unnecessary, and only owned by criminals and cowards?

    Or is that a bit too 21st century?

    • @[email protected]
      198 months ago

      Why not both?

      Guns are a fact of life in the US. Kids will be exposed to them. For every child killed in a mass shooting there are many more accidentally killed due to unsafe handling.

      Ignoring this fact is the gun equivalent of “just say no.”

    • @[email protected]
      138 months ago

      Every person should know how to safely handle a firearm. They don’t necessarily need to be expert shots, but they should know how to not accidentally shoot someone with one.

      I’m a liberal gun owner and I have a standing offer to all of my anti-gun friends to show them and their families how to handle firearms, and the NRA has some great resources for teaching him safety for kids.

      They’re an evil organization, but they do a few things right.

    • @Fal
      88 months ago

      What a bat shit insane take. 99.999% or more of guns are not used in crime. And how absolutely fucking ableist of you to assume everyone is physically capable of defending themself in hand to hand combat

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Telling children that drugs are bad, just say no, and never teaching them any actual information really worked out great. Drugs are outright illegal for everyone, why didn’t that stop drugs?

      Let’s take that approach to something new that can be used to scare and divide people. Gun are bad, just say no. Make them all illegal. It’s not like there are 19 year old felons with full auto hand guns already all over YouTube and tiktok(that’s 3 federal crimes if you don’t realize).

      Keep people scared and divided. If they aren’t they might start focusing on things that would actually save us like Healthcare, housing, income, employment, stability that everyone can have on our age of abundance.

      • TWeaK
        -68 months ago

        Except for all the parts in the world that have proven it true. No, you should just keep your head in the sand and rely purely on hope that someone you know won’t be killed.

          • TWeaK
            -28 months ago

            Children shouldn’t be using guns.

              • TWeaK
                -38 months ago

                Young children shouldn’t be using guns at all. Teenagers should only be using guns at authorised shooting ranges with direct 1 to 1 supervision with a trained and certified staff member - not just any adult or parent at home.

                There is no need to play with guns, and the risk of harm to others is grossly disproportionate to your desire to have a bit of fun. Your freedom for fun impinges on the freedoms of others to merely be alive and healthy, thus your freedom should be heavily restrained in this instance.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  My 2A freedom doesn’t impinge upon you in any way shape or form. You can’t preemptively charge people for crimes you’ve imagined.

                  • TWeaK
                    -28 months ago

                    Statiscally, there is a significant possibility that it will. In many states, stand your ground laws would let you get away with killing someone even if they were unarmed and not physically violent towards you.

                    No one’s saying you should be charged with a crime, however measures need to be taken to ensure public safety overall. The 2nd Amendment shouldn’t supercede the right to life, and yet it directly facilitates loss of life.

                    How many mass shootings do other Western countries have? What’s different in how they handle guns under law? The flaws are glaringly obvious, yet you cling to them out of nothing but pure selfishness.

                    You don’t need guns, you want them, but people need to live and are dying because of how prevalent guns are.

      • @[email protected]
        -98 months ago

        Guns are meant to kill at a distance without your opponent touching you or possibly even seeing you, they are fundamentally a cowardly weapon.

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          The phrase “never bring a gun to a knife fight” is referring to intelligence not bravery.

          • @[email protected]
            -98 months ago

            How about “idioms don’t dictate real life and people are dieing”, does that jive with you?

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          So you prefer it when people kill other people up close? That is somehow brave?

          You sound psychotic.

          • @[email protected]
            -48 months ago

            I’d rather they didn’t kill each other at all, it’s weird that you’re so defensive about being able to murder people easier.

            • @[email protected]
              68 months ago

              That isn’t at all what I stated or implied. You are the one who thought it was brave to kill people close up.

              Maybe you should spend some time working on yourself.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                Lol, that isn’t at all what I stated or implied. You’re the one who thought it was brave to kill people from far away.

                Have fun with your guns. Coward.

                • @[email protected]
                  38 months ago

                  That’s because you changed the text of your earlier post. I never stated it was brave to kill anyone at any distance. You seem to be a craven hypocritical anti-2A nut job.

                  You are the very embodiment of why I choose to keep my firearms and support the 2A.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -48 months ago

                    The fuck? I absolutely didn’t change the text. I’m just a regular guy who is fed up with the gun lobby bullshit in this country. Kindly go fuck yourself.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Your perspective is incredibly narrow.

          Must be nice to never have to worry about defending yourself from attackers who overpower you or who have weapons.

          Definitely all those black people with guns facing down the racists with guns at the Tulsa Race Massacre should’ve been brave and fought fisticuffs, 21st century style. /S (Yes I’m well aware their homes and businesses were burned to the ground despite attempts to defend themselves).

          The Black Panthers were just cowards. /S

          The trans folks at Tenacious Unicorn Ranch definitely were cowards for not facing bigots threatening to kill them with fists and harsh words. /S

          • loobkoob
            38 months ago

            Must be nice to never have to worry about defending yourself from attackers who overpower you or who have weapons.

            As someone who lives outside of the US: it is nice. You guys should try it.

          • @[email protected]
            -38 months ago

            I’ve literally only ever seen a gun take a life that didn’t deserve it. How many home invaders have you personally staved off? You know this isn’t 1921 anymore, right?

            The gun culture in this country is toxic and you’re part of the problem spreading that bs to justify your own peace of mind. I’m sure you only need Jesus and your ar-15 to survive but the rest of us would like to go to the grocery store without worrying about the place being shot up by some nut job that picked up a rifle at the corner shop on a whim.

        • BrianTheFirst
          28 months ago

          This would be a lovely take, if there weren’t so many other people running around with guns. Is it cowardly to want to protect yourself from the actual cowards?

          • @[email protected]
            -88 months ago

            Oh, you mean the cowards with guns? The guns that make it so easy to murder you or even schools full of children? You’re talking about those gun users specifically, right? Boy, it would be great if we could get some meaningful laws about that, huh.