• TWeaK
    -68 months ago

    Except for all the parts in the world that have proven it true. No, you should just keep your head in the sand and rely purely on hope that someone you know won’t be killed.

      • TWeaK
        -28 months ago

        Children shouldn’t be using guns.

          • TWeaK
            -38 months ago

            Young children shouldn’t be using guns at all. Teenagers should only be using guns at authorised shooting ranges with direct 1 to 1 supervision with a trained and certified staff member - not just any adult or parent at home.

            There is no need to play with guns, and the risk of harm to others is grossly disproportionate to your desire to have a bit of fun. Your freedom for fun impinges on the freedoms of others to merely be alive and healthy, thus your freedom should be heavily restrained in this instance.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              My 2A freedom doesn’t impinge upon you in any way shape or form. You can’t preemptively charge people for crimes you’ve imagined.

              • TWeaK
                -28 months ago

                Statiscally, there is a significant possibility that it will. In many states, stand your ground laws would let you get away with killing someone even if they were unarmed and not physically violent towards you.

                No one’s saying you should be charged with a crime, however measures need to be taken to ensure public safety overall. The 2nd Amendment shouldn’t supercede the right to life, and yet it directly facilitates loss of life.

                How many mass shootings do other Western countries have? What’s different in how they handle guns under law? The flaws are glaringly obvious, yet you cling to them out of nothing but pure selfishness.

                You don’t need guns, you want them, but people need to live and are dying because of how prevalent guns are.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  I have a 2A right to firearms. It’s just as important as my 1A, 4A or any other rights I have under the constitution. You might not take all your right’s seriously or choose to exercise them. That is your choice.

                  However you don’t have the right to infringe upon other citizens rights. If you seek to take them away or regulate them, expect opposition.

                  • TWeaK
                    -18 months ago

                    Why are your 2nd Amendment rights important?

                    Specifically, why is it more important than all the deaths very clearly causes?

                    Congress absolutely does have the right to regulate and remove your rights. They do it all the time.