Illustration Artist:



Adhara held still and let her keyholder rope her arms behind her back, feeling hot desire already raging between her legs, as it had been since even before her chastity belt was at last removed. She had only to look at Destiny for a preview of how she would be tied up, the furred dragoness having been bound first: a chest and body harness, nipple clamps, frogtied legs, tail bound behind her, and a ball gag were all sure to be in her immediate future… and a vibrating wand behind her back, tied to the base of her tail. She shivered uncertainly: how were either of them supposed to use those?

She behaved either way as she was roped up tight; of course she did, when after long weeks of chastity and teasing and ever-building need she was finally getting an opportunity to get off! She wouldn’t dare misbehave when it might tempt her master to punish her by just locking her right back up again, so she let her arms, her legs, her tail be roped up tight, she opened her mouth almost eagerly for the ball gag, moaning, and she wriggled a little impatiently as he strapped it up, the weights dangling from her nipples providing a constant pinching tease that just made her want attention between her legs that much more desperately. They were both pent up and hot and ready to go, just let them get off already!

At last the dragon sat back, grinning at the two of them. “There. Now, you both have vibrators, and while you can’t use them on yourselves, I’m sure with a little ingenuity you can figure out how to use them on each other! The catch is…” He got out a little clock and set it on the floor nearby; two wires ran from it, and he connected one to each vibrator. “Those wands will only run for 5 minutes, and when they turn off again, I’m locking you both back up… So you’d better cum quickly if you both want a chance to get off, hmmm?” Ignoring their muffled protests, he reached behind their backs, turning each vibrator on–but not to its second speed, not to high, and he’d positioned them so they couldn’t reach the controls themselves!

“Have fun.”

Adhara hardly even tried to struggle with her arms: she’d been tied up enough times to know when they wouldn’t be able to move, and with all the ropes tied to them, she knew they weren’t going to budge! So it was no use trying to get out, or to free her legs so she could move more easily… She looked at Destiny, and squirmed, realizing instantly that they couldn’t both get pleasure at the same time; they’d have to take turns. “Mmm phrrnff!” she said through her gag, feeling how wet she was and how pent up she was and both selfishly wanting to make sure she got off while they had the chance, and optimistically thinking she’d be able to do so quickly!

“Nnhhmm… mmmf tmm!” Destiny protested, but it was hardly the time to argue even if they weren’t both securely ball gagged, and after listening to the ominous beeping of the timer for a few long moments she relented, turning her back to Adhara and trying to awkwardly shuffle backward on her knees. Adhara helped as well, scooting closer as quickly as she could, but for a moment she was stymied by the other dragoness’s tail: tied to her back, it looped in front of the vibrator, so she’d have to push it out of the way to actually get that wand where she really really wanted it to go! With effort, she managed to push it out of the way with her knee, and then finally she could wobble forward, lean her hips out while Destiny uncertainly pushed her butt towards her…

“Mmnnngh!” Finally! The big, buzzing head of the vibrator slid home, nestling between the ropes that bracketed her aching needy cleft and delivering just the sort of strong, steady pleasure that the dragoness had been fantasizing about for weeks! She closed her eyes and lifted her chin and moaned out in pleasure, arching her back, twisting her arms and grinding greedily against the wand, yes yes yes that felt so good! But she only managed a couple of good humps before Destiny shifted and the wand slipped off her pussy, and Adhara made a frustrated, impatient noise as she tried to scoot closer still, to hold the toy in place properly and get the orgasm she needed! It took a couple more tries that only made her even hornier, having to fight the ropes so much just to get some good stimulation, but finally the two of them settled into just the right position, and she leaned forward to keep it that way, moaning, her chin resting on Destiny’s shoulder as she humped and humped, quivering in pleasure, the vibrators buzzing and the timer beeping, beeping…

The other dragoness huffed impatiently herself, but Adhara paid little attention. All that mattered was the bliss of that heavy sensation, how good it felt, how it was working her up closer and closer… Her toes dug into the floor and she closed her eyes, “mmmnnhh. Mmmmmf! Mmm, mmmnnn,” she mumbled in enjoyment, grinding firmly against the smooth thrumming bulb, gasping as it hit her clit in just the right ways and feeling her tail twitch, those spikes of pleasure so fantastic after being chaste so long. “Mmmhhh!” She was getting steadily closer, and closer, having little trouble despite the vibrator’s speed, and she trembled all over as she felt that much needed release begin to build, a surge, a spike of ecstasy that told her climax was mere moments away!

But Destiny had grown too impatient. Growling, she tossed her shoulders and shuffled forward, “rrrmmm! Mmmf rrrnn! Mmnn mmmknngf tmm llnngh!”

She yanked on the coils that bound her, and Adhara did too! “Nnnh! Lllnnf! Mm phnn lllnph!” Now she really tried to struggle, her hips rocking in the air as her sex trembled and ached from how close she was, the coils of rope creaking but holding her tightly, her hands stuck behind her back, her tail too, leaving her no way to get off without Destiny’s help! “Lllllnnph!” She tried to follow her forward, and whined when the dragoness turned around, putting the vibrator even further away, and the timer continued to beep.

Adhara spared a glance: the time was half spent, and yes Destiny deserved equal time, but come on she had just needed a scant few more seconds to have an incredible orgasm and now Destiny wouldn’t let her! “Mmmmnn! Whhnn phmm llmmmfff!” She looked down at herself, whining pointedly and blushing, squirming at the sight of her pussy so wet, puffy and hot with need, drooling even from her high arousal…

“Grrrmmf!” was the other needy dragoness’s response, shaking her gagged snout, trying to gesture with her tail for Adhara to turn around, that time was wasting. Adhara whined plaintively… She was asking her to just accept being locked back into her belt with only an edging, no orgasm! But when Destiny refused to relent, finally she caved, and clumsily she turned around to give the other dragoness her own chance to get off, whining softly and shuddering in denial all the while.

To feel her leaning on her back and trying to grind her vibrator only increased her pent up frustration. Destiny moaned pleasure in her ear, those firm breasts pressed against her back so near her bound hands, the dragoness drooling both on her shoulder and her tail as she humped, and humped, the noise of the vibrator modulating with the firm pressure she put on it. Adhara was stuck moaning through her gag, only imagining how good that must feel and how good it could have felt to her if only Destiny hadn’t been so hasty to get her own turn! She humped the air–though Destiny moaned in complaint when that made it harder for her to keep grinding the vibrator!–and trembled, feeling so hot, so sensitive and needy, and knowing she had only her chastity belt to look forward to…

A final beep, and the vibrators abruptly shut off–and now it was Destiny howling, struggling and trying to hump Adhara so hard that she whined in complaint: it hadn’t been enough for her either! She kept trying to grind against the vibe anyway, evidently so close that she thought rubbing hard against something for a few more moments would be enough, but the dragon intervened, pulling them gently apart until Destiny whimpered in denial and slumped forward, shuddering. “Nnnngh! Cmm mmmnnnf!”

“I don’t think either of you managed to cum… That’s too bad,” he purred, and Adhara shook her head, whining, when he rubbed two fingers teasingly between her legs, still achingly hot and even needier than ever!

“Lllnnph… llmmff! Lmmmt mm cmmmf!” she protested, trying to hump his fingers, and whining plaintively when he took them away; he only chuckled, and after taking the vibrator off her he pushed her down onto her stomach.

Still so fresh off her own frustrating edging, Destiny protested far louder, but was equally helpless, and soon he pushed her over as well, where the strict ropes left them hardly able to move. “Still, good to know you’ll both be getting even more pent up and needy, and that your pleasure still belongs to me… You two can enjoy the ropes for a while, then we can have you back into your belts for another few weeks.”

Adhara moaned and shuddered all over, yanking on the ropes and feeling as if she could hardly even roll over, let alone get back up to a kneel. If Destiny hadn’t been so impatient–she could have gotten off, and then been more quick to help her get her own release-- Surely both of them could have cum if she’d just been more cooperative! She grumbled to herself, squirming, her cleft still aching in denial. And now they’d have to wait who knew how much longer…