A few months ago, there was a post on the antifeminist sub. The post was a screenshot from an incel website that was posted on the Nothowgirlswork sub. There was a comment from nothowgirlswork which roasted the incel post.

The incel said he felt anxiety when he walked on the streets and saw women. The comment from nothowgirlswork was ridiculing him for feeling fear of women. He didn’t say anything misogynistic. There are some incels (on incel websites) who condone horrible things like raping women. This post was not like that.

It made me think that society expects men to be fearless and brave. Men are human and fear is a normal emotion that everyone has. It’s normal to feel anxiety around women, if the man has been traumatized in the past. Maybe the incel was traumatized by a woman in the past. People shouldn’t judge someone without knowing them.

The truth is women can be just as dangerous as men. Society has to stop thinking women are not as dangerous.

If a woman said she felt anxiety around men, redditors would be supporting her. They would say men are rapists and she should be scared of them. She would get all the empathy and sympathy. Reddit shows what people think secretly. Many people in society have this double standard too.

  • Pizzafeet
    711 months ago

    Expecting men to behave a certain way and shaming them for not doing so is misandry. The same way shaming women who don’t want to be housewives is misogyny.

    • a-man-from-earth
      611 months ago

      I think that definition is too general. I definitely expect men to be honorable and keep their word, and would not feel bad for shaming them if they break it, for example.

      Your definition would lead us to have no expectations whatsoever.

      • Pizzafeet
        411 months ago

        Of course, though I would apply those expectations on everybody. I meant expectations based on gender such as providing, protecting, etc.

    • hotpotato138OP
      511 months ago

      Misandry is just hatred of men. It can be expressed in different ways.

      • a-man-from-earth
        11 months ago

        No. Misandry is real. Patriarchy isn’t.

        Stop trying to gaslight us. Now let’s get back to the topic at hand.