Erotic roleplaying is not unique to furries, but it’s interesting how widespread it is.

While not for everyone, I haven’t found an online community where ERPing is more prevalent (although I might be wrong).

So, question time: do you ERP? I do love it, but I really do it extremely seldomly or actually not at all due to the huge amount of time it requires to do a proper scene. And when I cum I always feel bad for the time I’ve “wasted”.

  • Awoos the KinkwolfM
    41 year ago

    Many years ago I managed to find a fox into mostly the same things as I am, and we’ve been “playing” on and off in text for years. It’s quite fun and we have a Discord server set up for just the two of us. Unfortunately Discord made some changes a month or so ago which kinda knocked me off kilter and we’ve not had a chance to do much recently (which sucks, as I think it might have been a bit of stress relief for me).

    Other than him, I don’t really play with strangers much because social anxiety and people are scary. Although I think I do have a bit of a humiliation streak and like when people leave flirty and filthy comments on my posts… I guess explains why I started horny furry chat. :P