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Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2024


  • It doesn’t seem like their point was to trigger? Unless you’re triggered by the word flesh?

    I’m not a vegan/vegetarian. But I recognize from a purely thermodynamics perspective that meat is less efficient than a plant based diet. They’re efficiency losses for feeding plants to another organism instead of just eating those plants directly.

    Before agriculture, meat was basically required for humans. Let wild animals consume inedible plants and then hunt using very little of your own resources. Now that equation has been inverted since we control the entire chain of resources.

    You can be mindful of environmental issues and efficiency without taking a moral stance on meat eating. There’s really no easy answer, it’s very complex. Pollution, water use, land use, pesticides, nutrition, etc are all factors.

  • I always dislike this take because it pretends the US doesn’t have this exact issue. I’ve known people with less than ideal insurance who had very few doctors to pick from in-network and would take months to get an appointment.

    Long wait times still happens in the US. Just like it can happen in public healthcare.

  • Maybe stop and think that it isn’t that difficult to everyone? I don’t want to sound elitist, but people have different level of skills at video games (or anything really).

    Saying no games should be hard is like saying no books should be difficult to read. To take the book analogy further, at some point after reading a lot of books you want to read more and more complex books. To say we shouldn’t have difficult books would be a disservice to those who want them.

    Both easy and hard games should exist. And everything in between. Not every game needs to be played by everyone, which I think really is the issue. People feeling left out or pressured into games that aren’t their play style.

    Complaining that the game is too hard , or the opposite, that the player is too bad. Both of these are the wrong approach. The best approach is “I’m not the intended audience for this game”