There is not only a treatment problem, but also that livestock eats a lot of calories that could be used elsewhere
There is not only a treatment problem, but also that livestock eats a lot of calories that could be used elsewhere
Hey don’t be so anxious, its alright!
Why u think so?
Good to know this mfer won’t kill any Ukrainians
Will never happen
If you are male, then this video could clarify a bit: https://youtu.be/x3lypVnJ0HM Main point is that twice as many guys want a relationship comparing to gals, so you should really stand out in a quirky way to get noticed
It’s stupidly funny how she managed to pull the same trick three times in a row
it’s so unethical they mention the arrested person’s name. They are not even proven guilty yet
I would not. Why? It won’t fix anything. People would just switch to TikTok or Telegram or something, which is not that much better
Trump only respects strength, so at first no favours, no deals, protect national interests as fiercely as possible no matter the cost.
After enough strength posturing, I think it would be possible to negotiate with Trump and do business without selling off my country completely.
Then just pray we survive until 2029 or Trump dies
Probably UX designers decided that’s too difficult and confusing for most users
Lack of content and lack of recommended page to find content
I really don’t understand people in the comments here. I agree it’s his son’s decision to date whoever they want. However it’s also dad’s right to not push feelings down his throat and spend time with people he does not like.
Why not say “hey son, I respect your romantic choices, but I am not ready to spend time with King yet. i will let you know when this changes”?
Always has been
Imagine in 100 years someone will do a picture like this but with health insurance and Luigi
Now I want a hot dog :(
Which fallacy are you talking about in this case? Like that consciously choosing not to eat meat as an individual does not mean being against all meat consumption?