just calm down and control yourself I was talking about your Bordiga nonsense.
something that looks like Trotskyism, sounds like Trotskyism, smells like Trotskyism…
Anyway answering your question, the reason behind such post is just defense against misleading info about ussr that is still actively spreading despite ussr is dead for 30 years.
one thing amazes me for sure: there is still bunch of people loudly protecting their masters’ right to exploit and rob them.
And they are doing this while are already living in the world destroyed and robbed by capital, where COVID showed how vulnerable and under-financed our healthcare system is, where due to the global competition and sinking profits of corporations countries are building alliances, and preparing a new big imperialistic war for us, where crisis goes after crisis together with high inflation globally, and where quality of life is sinking monthly.
if this topic is among your interests, this book allows you to dive deep with relative ease
Sapiens is basically a simplification of a great book: The Outline of History, written by Herbert George Wells. So I highly recommend to read this as well, or if you havent read Sapiens yet, rather read The Outline of History. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/45368/45368-h/45368-h.htm
this bot is unsolicited, and provides misleading information. It should work either on request, or be blocked
cyberpunk dystopia is their marketing, you will get just oppression without any cyberpunk.
horrors of apartheid not bothered libertarians too much
Report thing is not working for me.
This is not accurate enough, misrepresenting the article.
nice part of the article:
When Friedman visited the University of Cape Town in 1976, he gave a speech to an audience of 2,000 in which he declared that the market was a much surer route to liberty than democracy; voting by dollars was better than voting by ballots. The key to freedom was not free elections but decentralisation of state power itself.
And freedom they talking about is freedom of market.
Also, here is the video where Milton Friedman tells that he does not believe in democracy (with good part of word salad as usual, of course). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgrTeEToIX8
Again, no one disagreeing in existence of more than 2 classes (many of them in decay since Marx time). And again, considering the post, the comment is valid enough. Not from a pedantic point of view, but in current circumstances it makes the point. Existence, motion, decay and revolutionary potential of classes is an interesting topic, but I doubt that under the meme post about “middle class”. No offence.
It’s true that more than 2 were mentioned, but my comment is still accurate enough.
You just wrote the saddest, shortest story about illiteracy ever
There is not such thing as middle class, pure sophistic. There are only 2 classes, proletariat and bourgeoisie.
yeah, too many things pointing that it is true.
check wassabi guy comments, he edited them, so maybe there he has added any relevant explanations. (haven’t checked his last comments edits by myself yet)
You had a chance to describe all things wrong about this song to every one. Instead, you were acting as an angry Chihuahua, using big words doubly understanding the meaning of it. You lost my attention here.
how seriously I take a work of art is my prerogative. If one is not comfortable with criticism, they should keep their thoughts to themsef.
Totally not, you are broking logic here. If you cannot control your hysteria, it strange that you expect others to not answer you.
how do you reconcile a position which claims to care about folks without enough to eat, with the line complaining about welfare (food assistance)?
wrong position, but remains popular narrative among working people. If people already struggle with poverty, it is good start to explain reasons of it.
furthermore, it isn’t even critical of the capital-owning class or the system which protects the institution of private capital, just an ephemeral ‘rich man up north’ (this is a reactionary dogwhistle, if you’re not familiar with the US)
not familiar with this “rich man up north” thing, to me it sounds like “rich” in general. Is this real marker of far right anarcho capitalism adepts in usa?
If there is real use of some words or hidden signs of far right usa slang, just share it here and educate others politely, I’m sure people here including me would like to be aware of such things. Any opportunity should be used to educate people.
Looks great!