Wait, is OpenBoard abandoned?
Wait, is OpenBoard abandoned?
Long-time Nextcloud user, but did not know this existed. Thanks for the link.
Also, had a chuckle.
It’s great for the banks that lend the money, the real estate agents and state governments who take their cut from the transactions […]
This part towards the end succinctly sums it up. With those interests in mind, it’s little wonder why we’re in this mess, and why it will be so difficult to get out of it.
You know what they say; it’s best to unload all your emotional baggage onto strangers in a public forum.
A slightly misleading title. It’s not reading something on a printed medium compared reading that same thing on a digital medium. It’s that the shit written on the internet has no educational value…
Good point about the all-in-one. I’ll need to find some time to digest it properly, but seems amazing at a glance.
Yo, fuck, this seems too good to be true. But I just completely re-initialised my NAS… 😑
For everyone talking about the expansion of the Universe, that’s not what this is about. The Universe is still expanding, at an accelerating rate. This work is about the rate of structure formation (the large-scale clumpiness of matter) being slowed down, not the expansion of spacetime.
I can’t connect to any of my addresses since yesterday. I spent today converting everything to Dynu.
Shouldn’t it be
if guess != number
Isn’t Russian Roulette played with one bullet in the chamber? Not five?
Haha how good. SWAG is a reverse proxy using Nginx. I use the Docker container.
Say “MacOS-esque” three times really fast.
I agree that publishers are the proverbial landlords of the academic environment. It’s always been absurd to me that scientists pay to publish in journals, and readers pay to access them… 😵💫
However, (maybe independently of the above) I think there needs be an interpretation layer between some scientific article and the broader public (not popular science articles). Too many times I’ve seen direct quotes from scientific papers, which are understood within their niche/expert communities, get taken completely out of context or just simply misunderstood. This is completely normal; not even scientists understand the language of other fields in science.
There’s been a recent increase in some scientists creating Youtube videos to accompany published works, where they simply talk through their results in everyday language. This is probably in the right direction and helps bring real science to the public in a digestable but unbiased way (then the journal article serves as verification of their claims in the video).
What the hell, why does this look like a training session…
Yes please.