That’s a shame. I wouldn’t bet on Google Pay ever working on GrapheneOS.
That’s a shame. I wouldn’t bet on Google Pay ever working on GrapheneOS.
Google Wallet didn’t work last time I checked, but contactless payments worked perfectly well by setting my banking app as the payment app.
Not all banking apps work due to the system integrity checks they do. Support for your banking app can probably be confirmed here.
That doesn’t account for the fact that a picture is equal to 1000 words.
DayZ and ARMA 3 both work. ARMA 2 does not though.
While I agree with most of what you said (about Google and Samsung), Apple is pretty clearly encouraging the stigma when it comes to iMessage. They wouldn’t outright tell people to bully, but they are doing as much in an underhanded way.
[2] https://medium.com/@krvoller/how-iphone-violates-apples-accessibility-guidelines-6785172eb343
I haven’t tried doing that, but it would definitely be possible. You won’t have out of the box support for X-related configuration like you do on NixOS though.
If you give it a shot, please let me know how you go.
More or less, yep. It is integrated well though. For instance, you configure the terminal font with your nix config instead of setting it in the termux theme app.
Another daily driver user here (for about a year now). NixOS on all hardware that can run it (desktop, servers). Nix-darwin/home-manager/nix-on-droid everywhere else.
I don’t see myself going back to anything else, it’s great.
The state of Western Australia is 3.6 times larger than Texas, making it larger than Alaska.
In fact, Australia has five states/territories larger than Texas, and only has two states that are smaller. It is just a large country with relatively few divisions of its land.
That’s exclusive to iOS/iPad OS. There aren’t any such restrictions on macOS.