@YourNetworkIsHaunted @sneerclub Paris did that with almost all of its cemeteries as part of its late 18th century renewal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacombs_of_Paris
Dad, Husband, Sysadmin, Anti-Spammer, Disillusioned Radical Lefty|Old GenX-er|DREAD Pirate|
I’m fat and I have a headache|AntiFa Patriot|
Living on occupied land previously shared by many Anishinaabe peoples.
#Detroit #Michigan #USA #Sysadminnery #BadDad #ADHD #infosec #IWeepSixColors #Spam #ASF #SpamAssassin
@YourNetworkIsHaunted @sneerclub Paris did that with almost all of its cemeteries as part of its late 18th century renewal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacombs_of_Paris
@istewart @sneerclub One thing Andreessen, Thiel, et al. have shown a real skill for is finding ways to use a LOT of computing power. Even if only as effective debtors-in-possession, I’m sure they’ll figure something out.
@self @sneerclub Are we expecting something sneer-worthy?
@Soyweiser @sneerclub It is not possible to understand neuroscience using a “hardware/software” paradigm. That is a model created by humans to make building working computers possible. Brains develop without any such abstraction constraining the process.
@dgerard I have a strong recollection that Keith Henson had intimate involvement with a cryonics project and actual published a rather harrowing account. Should be searchable.
@V0ldek @sneerclub For both Facebook and Netflix, the interesting technical challenges are secondary to scale.
@billseitz @froztbyte @V0ldek But F is obsolete.
It’s now MAGA.
Oh, wait: G is obsolete too
@henfredemars Indeed, it is often associated with hydrocephalus, a condition rarely conducive to cognitive performance.
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@V0ldek @sneerclub It happened when rich people realized that their individual liberty in a world of mostly poor people would intrinsically be constrained by proper democracy.
A government dedicated to maximizing the broadest possible freedom will, if allowed, redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor, to provide the poor more opportunities & limit the dangerous “freedoms” of the ultra-wealthy to impose their own control over others.
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@Soyweiser Not as a primary focus, but as a background fact, e.g. Trantor in Foundation.
@Soyweiser It was a bigger theme earlier: 50s/60s. Asimov, Bradbury, and I think Heinlein all used it.
@Amoeba_Girl @sneerclub Is that why it is so repetitive, wandering, and tedious?
@Starseeder @sneerclub That article is a powerful argument for professional editing.
(I do not mean that its topical content makes any such argument.)
@Varyk Kurzweil thought we’d all be quasi-cyborgs on 2 wheels by now.
@skillissuer I have no idea how they could have been *needed* against Ukrainian tanks. My impression was that they didn’t have any tanks with active defense until they got EU/NATO models, but I could be wrong.
@skillissuer Used in Ukraine. Possibly because they were running out of basic antiweapons.
@YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM @sneerclub The joke is in fact so much better, explained.
Thank you.
@TinyTimmyTokyo Amphetamine (and related stimulant) psychosis is a well-characterized syndrome.