If you believe that, I have a castle to sell you!
Two, actually, at last count.
If you believe that, I have a castle to sell you!
Two, actually, at last count.
Greatly relieved to hear from Will that he had no culpability & is just a victim in all this
…and, if you actually owned The Crew (20 million people did), even outside of France, the French regulator accepts complaints from international customers. Which is super unusual, and very valuable to the campaign…
The campaign plans to get France’s consumer rights agency to rule against Ubisoft’s killing of The Crew, making game publishers have to leave games at least partially functional when online service ends (or else risk legal action & costs).
France has strong consumer protections, Europe doesn’t treat EULAs as very legally serious, and Ubisoft was selling the game mere months before they “discontinued online service”, which also stopped the single player mode from working.
And France’s consumer protection agency accepts complaints from international customers, too, in English.
So, no, don’t just keep your head down & “play old games”. This is a perfect chance to actually fix shit.
This is an absurd thread. By collecting together critical comments, and picking back up a loud fight that previously died down over a week ago, you are absolutely adding to any pressure towards our lad in charge.
Touch grass
People are worried about the jobs they actually have, not jobs that may or may not appear decades from now.
Hope is not a strategy.
I think you’re mixing up your studios: Larian’s previous game is Divinity: Original Sin 2.
In your entire comment history, this is actually the least hostile comment you’ve ever made. Amazing
Hey, thanks for writing your thoughts on this.
Although my game is, er, not started, I’ve been asking myself similar questions. Your thoughts make a lot of sense. Hope it works out well for you.
I played through DAI - and indeed, played through the whole Dragon Age series properly - for the first time quite recently.
I’ve got incredibly complicated feelings about the game. There’s lots of things I really love - if you think of Skyrim as a competitor & DAI as BioWare’s answer, there’s a lot to like! - and many things that were annoying and very nearly game-ruining. It’s the bugs that got me down the most.
Do you mean the SDP, or is the party literally un-Googleable?
Combining the unsearchability with me trying to keep social democratic vs democratic socialism straight in my mind, I am very confused…