A lot of people here apparently upset at the idea of being held to the same standard as they have for others.
A lot of people here apparently upset at the idea of being held to the same standard as they have for others.
Putin being couped by Wagner group would not be “nice to see”
I too believe that every westerner who voted to support their wars of aggression to be tortured to death.
You said the US only liberates people if they are white
Yeah? You’re just making shit up whole cloth now?
Also “Remember that time we lied to the UN to commit genocide against Iraq!” Is not the convincing point you seem to think it is.
Again, take this shit back to reddit.
wow… You really are a redditor.
Maybe you be quiet for once in your life cracker. Or better yet, go back to reddit.
And of course you’ve conveniently forgotten the million Iraqis you starved to death, and then the hundred thousand more you genocided.
And how would a non dictator react?
Very compelling point, cracker
Now if only you thought non white people deserved to not die.
Good, go back to reddit if you want a neoliberal echo chamber.
Yeah yeah, just like you all claimed it was “extremely clear who are the good guys here” when you genocided Iraq.
Maybe you should talk about the past, so you stop repeating it.
Haha, good luck with that.
Funny how you don’t “need” to do it when it’s non white countries being invaded
Lol. Someone hasn’t read the Pandora papers.
Yup, no gray area at all, just like every other time. This is exactly what the warhawks said about the war on terror.
The moment I realised that the USA was unavoidably moving towards fascism was when the so called political left collectively decided that the problem wasn’t anything internal, it was just that evil, perfidious foreigners had corrupted the innate goodness of America.
You sure you couldn’t say something that wasn’t a fascist slogan?
I’m not the one being hypocritical.