Not outside in a city with cameras. If tails on homemade/trusted hardware is not safe enough, woods are the only option.
Not outside in a city with cameras. If tails on homemade/trusted hardware is not safe enough, woods are the only option.
I am in a similar spot right now. Not diagnosed (yet), but I do suspect very strongly I have it.
DM me if you would like to talk about it.
However I believe it it best to get diagnosed, since I think this uknown state is the worst.
If the money is not issue there must exist even some online therapists willing to diagnose you. But I am not sure about that.
I believe this is the main source of unfairness in my country. I have a good pay, but most of it goes for housing. So I live the same life as someone who works for a minimum wage if they inherited their home or can live with their parents.
Even though I had to work and invest way more to get to my salary.
But what is even worse is that in eyes of our government I am considered rich and I get no social benefits and I also pay way more taxes than those who are “poor”.
Whenever I get into discussion about piracy libraries gets brought up. Libraries are just pirates. One person buys a book and shares it with others for free. Same shit as piracy. With the books is the same as with digital content. You are not buying the paper, you are buying the content. Except if you buy a book online you are for some reason not allowed to share it. And yes I support piracy.
Oh. That comparison is a really good one. Never though of it that way.
Please. Be respectful.
You know this is not true. And I believe it is also harmful responding this in a post of someone who is struggling with doom/pessimistic thinking.
You are describing the worst case scenario. This is not how optimism works.
If it is the election results that are making me feel this way. I try to be optimistic even about that. I imagine what if the party I did not vote for, manages to do the good things they promised. In USA example would it not be awesome if Trump actually manages to end some wars (in at least somehow fair way)?
Lots of pessimism in USA right now, huh?
I think this is quite common for half of USA to feel this way when the other party wins the election. This is due to electoral system you have, which has very a side effect of very strong negative campaign. So if you believe one party whole wold will go to hell if the other party wins.
But the world will not go to hell. In my probably less affected opinion nothing this bad will happen:
About the work though. Under any government positive or negative changes are quite slow to implement. In many countries there is a housing crisis. And even if in my country government is bound to fix this issue it will take 10 or more years to fix it. So my generation will have to find a place to live somewhere in current market conditions.
So in any case it is very bad strategy to hope for the government to fix your personal issues like your housing, your salary, your job, your dating, your happiness. On those you have to work by yourself. And I can assure you the difference you can make on your life is enormous.
To fill you with some optimism you can try to write a list on what you life would look like if you really try to improve it. And yes of course live the politics out of it and focus only on your life and changes you can affect.
For my personal escape it made the most difference to become more optimistic:
Edit: Why the down votes?
A very good point! It gets to me the most when I really try to write a well structured argument. Like yours. And then someone comes and just dismisses whole point with some logical fallacy or something like that. It hurts the most since I spent a long time writing such post.