Et d’ailleurs sur mbin je les vois pas non plus
Et d’ailleurs sur mbin je les vois pas non plus
Can’t we just ban gaz, whatever where they come from?
#SUTOM #1119 5/6
Ça faisait un moment que soit j’avais pas le temps, soit pas trouvé
I am no fan of random generation, but I try to have a proper gender balance, and found that gender swapping cliché is a good way to re-use them, the stupid prince worried about his hair, the lady knight
J’ai vu Liebes Kind (chère enfant), une série policière Allemande mais pas l’inspecteur Derrick que nos (grands) mères regardaient pour faire la sieste. C’est une saison de genre 6 épisodes avec pas mal de secret et de rebondissement. Le début est assez simple Après un accident de voiture, une mère et sa fille arrivent à l’hôpital, et la petite fille pas blessée raconte des trucs assez chelous à l’infirmière sur ce qu’il se passe à la maison et la série suis l’enquête de police pour comprendre qui est la fille, qui est sa mère, et ce qui leurs est arrivé.
C’est une série Netflix, donc on va retrouver le rythme typique de ces séries et les grosses ficelles pour te faire regarder un épisode de plus
deleted by creator
J’ai vu la boutique d’optique d’un copain de fac reconvertit opticien. De ce que j’en ai vu.
Il y a quand même de belles machines, et asse précise pour la partie découpe du verre. On lui livre des disques, et ce sont ses machines qui font la découpe à la taille de la monture (puis lui qui monte le verre) D’ailleurs il me faisait remarquer que paradoxalement, les lunettes hauts de gammes sont facile à monter (car usinées très proprement, donc ça se monte facilement) lui rapportes de l’argent, ce qui lui permet de payer le temps passer à galerer avec les lunettes CMU qui sont souvent des galères pour monter les verres.
Donc je sais pas si c’est vraiment quelque chose que tu pourrais faire dans un fablab
As usual, don’t forget to discuss plot hooks in session zero, and make sure that the PC have an in game reason to work together. We all have heard the horror story about the party of a chaotic evil, a lawful good hating each other while the stict neutral robber has a not my problem attitude which basically makes the whole game a hell.
Knowing how player behave, I would expect that some of these "weirdoes"will be recurring NPC. Some thoughts though
Just a couple of locals, you know the farmer complaining that there was too much/not enough rain, the other ones thinking that adventurer are crazy and badluck, the tavern maid who wish to marry a rich adventurer to get out of that shitty town, the farmboy who dreams of becoming an adventurer.
The recruiting sergent escorting a couple of young enlisted to the next-town, and trying to find some others, it’s a great way to tell A war is ongoing
The travelling merchant with tons of wonders, tales from the town, and potentially a recuring NPC
The doom prophet, like the half-crazy priest who comes to the town to talk about a great evil coming (a Great way to tell something bad is awaking)
If the campaign is more fun, the Mysterious and darkly dressed person who in fact is just a teenager in their “all black phase”
For a mini scenario in the tavern, add a ghost
The local noble, who pretend to be more important than they are, but you need to deal with them to do anything in that viallage
The mage and their apprentice travelling for a strange reason in aotally differnet direction
Some countries have voluntary euthanasia. Usually, you need to fill paperwork in advance, and have an incurable disease which causes pains and suffering.
I haven’t looked statistic on how well it works, whether it is abused (Not paying a nursing home to mom, cutting down social expense because disabled can just get euthanasia). but it’s definitely a comfortable option to know that you won’t have to wait for your cancer to kill you an immense amount of pain or to stay in coma for decade after an accident.
Je vois mon compte pixelfed, je peux le suivre, mais j’y ai rien posté depuis… Donc je dirais que la réponse est oui mais j’ai pas testé à fond
Il y a une instance Pixelfed chez Diaspodon, mais je vois qu’elle est pas ouverte pour le moment
A couple years back I got illwinter floorplan [Link[( on steam sales. Which for “indoor map” fits my need.
I don’t play D&D, in general do not use “battle map” but still sometimes like to take time to visualise/describe a situation (and because it can be fun to do)
Musk isn’t someone who failed elementary school, he is the richest man on the world and the US secretary for government efficiency. He definitely knows what’s a Nazi salute, and what isn’t.
We’re not in the context of a movie, a theatre play, a larp, or even a costume party where it would have been from OK to “stupid” but in the context of a political speech.
So it’s definitely a nazi salute.
Bon hop, j’ai installé interstellar pour avoir mbin sur mobile. Et arreter de zapper entre SJW et fédia en fonction de si je suis sur mobile, chez moi, ou au bureau qui bloque
While we do Drama about [Insert open source developper name here] we have open and closeted nazi owning social media and big software companies. So I think we should better focus on them than on whatever Drama in the FOSS world
#SUTOM #1109 6/6
Tu sais ce qu’on dit à un docteur qui vient de soutenir ?
Je voudrais un big mac et une grand fritte
Tu fais quoi ? C’est une formation à plein temps où un truc de fomration continue à 2 jours par semaines ? tu es financé comment ?
I didn’t down-voted. However, I would somehow disagree. Knowing how badly injured are the PC allows to adapt the tactic, in both direction. Yes the warrior is a tank who can take tons of hit (is there really games where PC have 100 HP ? that much ? ) and you have that social character who can’t do much in combat, who is usually unconscious at the end of the first-round. So knowing how much HP do the PC have helps managing the right level of power against them and avoid stupid character death.
Alice is missing and The space between us, the latter being borderline LARP.
Both games are pretty intense with a huge bleed potential making them memorable experience.