I’ve had no issues with it so far. Its been my go to for awhile. But I don’t use windows for anything important. Malware bytes scans don’t find anything.
I’ve had no issues with it so far. Its been my go to for awhile. But I don’t use windows for anything important. Malware bytes scans don’t find anything.
From what I understand running high bandwidth things like video streaming through cloudflare tunnels will get your cloudflare account banned or charged (which is why they require payment info to setup tunnels).
Best to keep things like emby, jellyfin, and Plex to tailscale or just open the port.
Idk how emby works but with Plex I feel pretty safe having port open. Since any logins have to auth though Plex’s servers.
Not really directly answering your question here so feel free to ignore me. But if I’m understanding right your setup sounds like a more complicated way of doing what I am.
I put tailscale on all my devices. And in every docker compose for the ports I do. TailscaleIP:hostport:containerport
So nothing can be access on local network at all. Only through tailscale. Which I can access from any of my devices locally or remotely without opening a port. All E2E encrypted I’m pretty sure. The only con is having to trust tailscale.
I do keep Plex port open for friends though.
You could use Torbox.app. Its like debrid, but also seeds so you can use it for private trackers.
I think signal servers may be using aws hosting.
I was trying out Locus and seem pretty good. But looks like its not maintained anymore. ☹️
I don’t care about the photos. But glad to hear they are taking photos and music out of the main app and making it less bloated.
Well Plex has the live TV stuff you just need a tuner. So there are programs that act as tuners for IPTV. Like a middle man between IPTV and Plex. I’m still switching around trying to find one that works best. They all seem to have pros and cons. There is Xteve and Telly. Xteve is easier to setup but hasn’t been updated in a long time. There is a newer fork of xteve called Threadfin but it has a bug which keeps me from being able to add a m3u link. But I found a fork of the fork where the bug is fixed.
I finally gave up on the free streams and got IPTV. Got it streaming though Plex/jellyfin and I’m really impressed. You can stream the IPTV through stremio too for a easier setup.
It still works if you have a paid account. It use to work with free accounts.
Also I mean the FLAC. I think you might can still DL non flac with a free account.
Perfect. Thank you.
What sources are you using for lidarr? Are they private trackers?
I only download flac. But still haven’t found a source I really like since the deezer api was patched.
Check out torbox. Its like a seedbox/debrid but the pro plan also comes with Usenet. I just started using it but seems really promising.
They have been having a lot off issues lately because they don’t have enough servers yet. They are supposed to get new servers setup this week.
Why? Passkeys are great. Though X can probably screw them up somehow.
This is what made me finally completely switch my email and docs to proton. I’m so close to being able to delete my google account now.
Well this and the docs live collaboration feature they recently added.
Depending on where you live. It could be a issue that without db you’re just straight up torrenting and may need a VPN to keep from getting copyright notices. Also it will probably buffer a lot without having the db cache.
Unless it was a recent change factorio doesn’t “require” a account. When I host my server I disable verification and my friends who still haven’t bought it are able to join no problems. If server has verification on then they can’t.
The main reason I switch was the way packages work. When you install something that has a dependency say like python. Instead of using whatever python you have already installed it gets another python package that is the exact version the original packages needs. So everything you have installed that uses python has its own python. That way if your python gets updated for one thing it won’t break anything else that still needs the older version.
Its probably just a skill issue but I used both manjaro and arch for years on main desktop and both ended up broke where I couldn’t update anymore because of that issue. I know it can be fixed somehow but I always made it worse when I tried. I also had the same issue happen on my other computers(arch) when I would not update them for extended period of time.
Nixos not only fixes that by the way it does dependencies, but also because every time you “rebuild” it makes a new image you can boot from. So if a update breaks anything you just reboot back to the last working image. So the system is pretty much indestructible.
Other things i love about nixos.
Okay that was a lot of rambling. Probably repeated a lot of same points. I normally would go back and clean it up but I dont have time atm. I hope it somewhat answers your question. I feel like I’m forgetting something too.
If your interested you can try messing with nixos in a VM. Its pretty cool that if you make a config you like you can copy it from VM and use it. When I first switched I was pretty confused and it took probably two weeks to get my config anywhere close to what I had on arch. Most of that was trying to figure out how to config neovim plugins like LSP servers in home manager. Was so worth it though. Going from arch to nixos was every bit as great as when I moved from Window 10 to arch IMO.
Being a Linux user I really like everything being ran in the browser. What if we just have more control of which JS APIs can be used? On a site by site bases. Which I assume can probably already be done with extensions.