I was 9 years old performing violin at the United Nations when it happened. I’ve never seen the streets and subways that crowded before or since.
I was 9 years old performing violin at the United Nations when it happened. I’ve never seen the streets and subways that crowded before or since.
I agree with him that not letting us target farm is a bad change. It makes helltides kinda not worth it anymore for anyone who’s target farming a certain unique. Thoughts?
Caw caw, very funny
Some people are claiming that it’s going to ruin the fediverse. Could that actually happen?
Don’t skip leg days, toddlers and infants
I hope he does too. Say what you will about his personal life, but Tom Cruise is making some of the best action movies.
Haha that’s true. Text chat is really bad for console, sadly. I’d like to be able to use a keyboard on the PS5 just to type
I play rogue and I think there’s like a decent amount of viable builds. Im running barrage with poison and ice that’s a lot of fun. I started with pen shot/shadow which was also cool. Then of course there’s the twisting blades rogue.
You might consider sorc? You can try out different elements or combinations of them, though I’m not sure how many of them are viable.
For season 1 I’m gonna play necro for the minions. Maybe I’ll start with bone spear/blood since ive heard bone spear is very strong and blood skills are satisfying to use.
Yeah def. Using the emotes to say hi, bye, thanks etc. is really fun especially when they reply. I just think about how much more fun it’d be if we had prox chat.
I agree. I lurked on Reddit for most of my time there. But here, it feels like I can get a fresh start and be a part of a new community. Kinda feels like I have a responsibility too. I want this place to succeed, so I have to contribute.
When I was in college, I worked across the street for a Starbucks. I used to always go there for a cup of coffee, take a few sips, and go to my desk. Every day at exactly 9:30 I had to take a shit. Like clockwork.
People fainting and being carted off on stretchers
Delta: SoRrY fOr ThE uNcOmFoRtAbLe TeMpErAtUrEs