Huh. I remember some laws in my state about knuckledusters and switchblades changing around 2017. Do you think courts would apply the logic from Caetano v Massachusetts to some of the oft-prohibited items, like ‘clubs’ and such?
Huh. I remember some laws in my state about knuckledusters and switchblades changing around 2017. Do you think courts would apply the logic from Caetano v Massachusetts to some of the oft-prohibited items, like ‘clubs’ and such?
They didn’t come for just a particular style of gun when they had the opportunity to come for guns. Look at New Orleans during Katrina, and you’ll be looking at the image that every person is picturing when they think of the government and its pursuit of guns.
That cropping has to be deliberate.
Uh, just to clarify, GOTV is gay-owned tv? Gothic onesies tv? Government objectives tv? grasping ostentatiously tv?
You’re right. It’s not just legal reasons. There are some neat studies showing that if two people under the age of 5 are raised in the same household together, feelings of sexual attraction generally don’t develop later when you’re sexually maturing. So the porn somewhat follows reality in the scenario of step-siblings being more likely to develop sexual attraction.
Um… do you happen to know a fella selling any of those shoulder fired objects of value? I’m asking for a friend.
Bingo. The only reason to smoke kush/spice/k2/whatever-other-dumb-name-the-marketing-comes-up-with is because you want brain damage. Smoke the real stuff, and you can avoid the permanent effects.
That’s the big one with Gen Z that I know of. I can think of several that I know that fell for it while 16-22, but none that fell prey to the typical ones about your SSN or buying gift cards.
Holes sounds like a paradise compared to this place, really. No feces in the living quarters, everyone had a bed, and the only people who were really physically punished were the staff. I’m trying to think of the worst thing in Holes, and it was probably the implication of being left to die in the sun? Or maybe shot. I think there was a point where one of the staff members started carrying a gun, right?
Yep. That’s why I brought up my comment. I thought for years that discussing your salary was a really bad thing, because so many people talk about how you’ll get fired for it. Imagine my surprise when I actually read through those NLRB posters in the break room…
This is why everyone needs to talk about their salary. Shatter that idiotic notion about pay rate discussions being bad, because it only benefits the assholes at the top sucking every penny they can.
I’ve seen that line about the “man breaking, the horse splashing” somewhere on Lemmy in the past week. I never knew it was a quote or where it was from. Neato. The fellow clearly had some interesting insights.
That would be worse. Anime stylized faces do not work in the 3d space. I’d imagine we’d see a new trend of fancy molded art to match each car’s look and personality…
Ah, who am I kidding? Some exec will just put fucking smileys on the car.
I just use a value ranking system and rapidly sort variables until I reach the highest possible value.
Pop colors > blending (red is greater than brown, etc.)
Interesting features > bland (So a dude with a scar registers higher than a dude without)
Anomalies > expecteds (a top hat is more interesting than a ball cap)
There’s probably some other minor variations that account for my choices. Thinking about it, the preference for women may be due to them having more eye-catching variables than men in most cases, especially with regards to color and accessories.
So… does this tip involve procreation-like activities between consenting ‘not parental’ father figures?
Voat was batshit crazy, but some of the things done there were done well. I really liked that the ‘big subs’ were considered voat run, so the moderators didn’t get to make their own little kingdoms of folly in the most popular areas. The commitment to free speech was great. It just went down so hard because the first people who went to it were the type to scrawl on the walls of their house in pastel crayon and neon spray paint.
What’s amusing to me is that one of the stated reasons the religious nut jobs were persecuted was for their anti-war beliefs. Somehow that script got flipped.
Fair enough. Different states, different rules.
Very few, if we’ve been paying attention. Which protests/riots had more cops willing to shoot at those involved? The heavily armed ‘marches’ that we’ve seen, or the large crowds of unarmed individuals? Sure, some of that may have been because of bias from the police, but I guarantee most of it was because they were afraid of starting a shooting when there was the possibility of being shot back at.
Ah, thanks.