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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024

  • What you say makes no sense.

    The problem is LITERALLY unsolvable if we can’t assume that all the lines are straight.

    The schematic was OF COURSE purposefully drawn in a way to make the viewer assume that the third angle of the left triangle is 90°, making the angle to it’s right also be 90°, but the point of the exercise is to get the student to use ALL the given information instead of presuming right angles.

    And NO, assuming all the lines are straight is NOT unreasonable, it is the only way that the problem could ever possibly have a solution.

  • The American revolution might be the exception that confirms the rule, since the new regime (Congress and the President) seem to have not persecuted, legally or extra legally, any Americans or their allies who fought against Britain after the war was won. I at least could not find any examples of this. Benedict Arnold doesn’t count since he did, beyond any doubt, commit treason against the revolution and rightfully was persecuted for his actions.

    Cromwell’s station in the revolution of Parliament against king Charles was very minor during the first half of the civil war. But he rose to prominence and thereafter many of his former allies were persecuted (with the exception of lord Thomas Fairfax).

    Castro persecuted many of his former allies after Batista was ousted from Cuba, including Manuel Urrutia Lleó and Huber Matos Benítez (and also maybe Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán, since his accident happened during a very convenient moment)…

    Stalin. REALLY??? He had Trotsky killed two continents away and more communist party members died because of him than because of the Tzar!