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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I don’t know if a 0.25s overguard-gate will end up doing much of anything, but, uh, we’ll see I guess. Better than nothing. Most excited for the Boar and Angstrum incarnons, due to their leaked effects. Even the Gammacor could potentially be a good status weapon if pull-range is good, basic grouper+status spreader, perhaps? Doesn’t really have many statuses to begin with though… might just end up being a variation on the Tenet Plinx’s secondary fire but less annoyingly cumbersome to use. Which itself should be fine, I suppose.

  • @McRibbles@dormi.zonetoWarframe@dormi.zoneMR Fodder Prime
    2 years ago

    Personally? Look at what I was missing in my profile (a special fuck you to whoever decided invasion weapons should be hidden) and keep a mental note of X/Y/Z items.

    If items in question are presently unvaulted -> farm relics for said items (Apollo Lua for Axis, etc) -> then burn the relic in search of said item. If item is a common, rawdog it in pubs. If item is an uncommon, rawdog it in pubs. If Lootcifer decides he hates you today or if the item is a rare, do Radshares from recruit chat.

    If items in question are presently vaulted -> use the primed junk you’ve gotten from the relic runs above, because god knows you’re going to get a lot of it, and sell them for plat. Buying items piecemeal through Warframe.market is in 99% of cases cheaper than buying them as a set, as sets often charge a convenience fee on top, but it doesn’t hurt to take the 5 seconds to check just in case someone’s quickselling one.

    This was back when MR 30 was, relatively speaking, much harder to obtain than it is now, as there’s a boatload of ‘excess’ MR that allows you to skip over some of the annoying farms if you happen to not be in the mood for them. I never saw the need for notepad/excel sheets or AlecaFrame (especially now with its mildly sus ban allegations. Overwolf was already a turnoff, fat chance I’m ever giving it the light of day on my system when there’s the thinnest possibility it could even get me temporarily banned) even when you have a large enough list to the point where ‘just remember them lol’ isn’t a valid strategy.

    At that point, you’re likely missing large swaths of a certain category, so then you just focus on them. Missing K-Drives? Do a few K-Drive races each day, because that stuff gets mildly soul-crushing if you try to burn through 'em all at once. Missing Archwings? Grab 'em and, unironically, leech when you can off of Voidstorm pubs in Nu-Gua Mines in Neptune Proxima (the crewships give lots of juicy affinity), the current best RJ node for fissures. Grineer Veil’s faster, but it needs a squad with at least 4 braincells so no one has to share one. Salacia Neptune, otherwise. Need RJ Intrinsics? Get 'em done alongside your prime part farming, Necramech grind, Archwing Grind, etc while you -also- crack relics. Easy as.

  • An unfortunate decision, but ultimately a rather understandable one. I have some mild complaints about Lemmy, primarily those related to how…incredibly alpha it feels on all the iOS browsers I’ve tried. Even despite that, given the whole reason for the blackout to begin with, I would’ve been more than happy to stay on here long term. “Well why don’t you do just that, even if the sub reopens?” probably because the already incredibly small community (even including non-posting lurkers) here will all just pack up and leave back to reddit making this a total ghost town. Unfortunate, but thems the facts. Though perhaps I’m just trying to rationalize being a hypocrite. Dormi.Zone’s a super cute name, too.

    Wonder who’ll be the first to post primed Wisp Ass and get all those sick reddit updoots.

  • Yeah, that’s what I mean. Yareli got changes to her -base- kit several times. The first of which a few months later, and the second was over a year post launch (Yareli’s almost two years old by the way. Time flies), and the third was back in Citrine’s last wish. Caliban got some small tweaks a few days after his release, and nothing ever since apart from very minor bugfixes. Gyre had to wait until Cathode Current to finally give her just the little bump she needed to become really good again, you get the idea. Very rarely do we ever see base kit changes after the first week or so of a frame’s release, I’m not expecting things on the tier of Wukong’s rework or even Zephyr, but, y’know, even if it was just a basic Garuda-tier change or Harrow Prime level outright buff, a lot of frames would really appreciate it.

    Regarding Kullervo, yeah, I’m hoping he gets a decent amount of love post release especially since (depending on how much of a PITA he is to farm) he could be the Duviri-path version of a new player’s Rhino. Super-early game players will probably need Hunter Adrenaline at some point, but, eh, should work okay.

  • The fact that Yareli continued to get changes (rather sporadically, but still) to her base kit so long after release is an honest to god miracle, and I really wish it happened more often rather than just having frames be left to rot until, at best, they get a bandaid augment (or two. Hi Frost!). Wonder if it has something to do with her presumed appeal to newer players, maybe? According to the official 2022 stats, Yareli’s most popular with players between Mr 4 to 8.

  • Huh. Well… I’ve always been overly critical of a frame’s kit pre-release when in most cases they turned out fine so I guess I’ll hold my tongue for the time being, but I’m really not a fan of Kullervo’s kit. I guess maybe you could have some sort of semi quadratic scaling on with his 3 whenever you pair it with his 2 or 4, and that’s where the DAMAGE in his kit comes from? Hm. We’ll see.

  • Burston is primarily 40% slash in its normal state and turns into exclusively heat in its Incarnon form. Phenmor meanwhile is 70% slash in its normal state and 57.4% slash in its Incarnon state. If you’re able to do so, a good recommendation for Nekros is to equip Amalgam Ripkas True Steel on a pair of Ripkas in your melee slot, as said mod allows for many (i.e the vast majority of) abilities and weapons that otherwise can’t dismember enemies to dismember them easily. Some ability/enemy combos get to the point where Desecrate actually has to play catch-up with the amount of body parts it needs to chew through (this is a good thing, though).

    It’s not -needed-, frankly I haven’t found much of a need to focus super hard on dismembering with desecrate myself outside of dedicated loot scenarios when playing Nekros, but it is a very much appreciated added bonus and allows you true freedom in the weapons you wish to choose…so long as you’re willing to give up that melee slot, of course.

  • I had Cascadia Flare on, for the record. Full build, Sentient Surge, all that. It indeed felt terrible to use initially and really struggled for the first kill, but was fine once it started getting tendrils.

    Edit: Did a quick test run of SP Circulus. Levels 180-200, for the record. Did absolutely NOTHING to enemies at first as it lacked Galv Shot, Galv Diffusion, and the Ocucor’s tendrils. Again, worked fine when it got going, but you definitely need some form of strip or else any other competent player will make your life getting that first kill hell. Basic Viral+Heat build with Galv Shot & Diffusion, the two primed crit mods, and Cascadia Flare & Sentient Surge as previously mentioned. Take out Shot, shove in a bane, might do marginally better for the first kill but I don’t think it’d be to such a degree that it’d really make a difference.

  • Assuming you have access to the location you get Molt Augmented from normally and you didn’t just buy it with plat (though that is a valid option, I suppose), good arcanes to pick up from the same location are Molt Vigor, Emergence Savior, Emergence Dissipate, Eternal Onslaught, and Cascadia Flare. Slightly situationally more useful (though still good pickups) are Molt Efficiency and Arcane Blessing.

    Elsewhere, good arcanes to pick up are Secondary Merciless, Primary & Secondary Dexterity, as well as Primary & Secondary Deadhead. Merciless is what you’ll likely be using for most weapons, but Dexterity is nice if you plan to use your melee a lot and the Deadheads are great for specific weapons, especially since the +headshot bonus is a flat amount, meaning it also gives a multi to weapons that ordinarily can’t headshot (i.e most AOE weapons of any kind). Again, not a universal slot, but it’s good to have the option.

    It would also be a wise idea to pick up Secondary Encumber from Otak, and if you don’t plan on getting Energize anytime soon, even just a single copy which is perfectly functional, then Arcane Steadfast may be worth the grind.

  • With her combined massive 0.73% playrate, 0.63% of which lies in the Prime, Equinox is my favorite Warframe and the one that instantly caught my eye when my friend introduced me to the game and I was skimming over the wiki because of her Day/Night mechanic. Nowadays I main her for the silly little dopamine rush Terrify + Maim gives me, but it’s still the same frame nonetheless.

    Other than her… my next favorite low %-er frame would have to be Gyre. I enjoyed her in the past and just wish she got the tiniest bit of an extra boost, which Cathode Current provided in spades. Real fun and Pillage is an easy slot.