According to the people it’s about, it misrepresents them as people but not explicitly the events that took place.
According to the people it’s about, it misrepresents them as people but not explicitly the events that took place.
What’s this actually mean? It’s not like they didn’t just switch domains and remain online? Article doesn’t mention any arrests so seems like they can just sidestep the domain seizure. Or am I wrong and there will be more action?
Yes but you will have to take extra steps to supply a valid cookie from a signed in account: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/11296#issuecomment-2466538349
The universe is not one gigantic solid object
Technically any object of sufficient size would colapse under its own immense gravity and form a black hole
Unelected by the way
Surely this won’t end up in the hands of advertisers who will then use it to push addictive products to those they know are suceptible
These people are just genuinely evil
Wonder how much they made from these practices. Anyone wanna bet more than 2 million?
Can you explain pirating of unraid licenses? I have already paid for one but didn’t know this was possible
Oh I was under this false impression. Thanks for the fact check
Its more of a complete Google Photos replacement than a basic backup/syncing system
Guys this is clearly satire
I have an overkill 128GB SanDisk flash drive I got for 13 dollars and it works great for my 24/7 unraid setup
Its not as easy as launching from steam for example, but if you have some basic linux knowledge and the ability to use Google you can get 99% of pirated games running in either bottles or lutris. Search for steam deck specific piracy guides, they largely apply to all linux distros.
If anyone has a US based provider that has m3u and lots of content, PM me. VOD is not necessary but a bonus and would like reasonable price not reseller upcharge, at least that much.
Man same been looking since 2019 and zero luck with an invite. Is it really that exclusive? I’ve only seen invites sent like twice ever from reddit years ago.
At least they added offline. Can’t even expect the minimum these days.
I thought this game had been out for years