Be the change you want to see in the world.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Silence is compliance.
Definitely need some kind of replication/mirroring to occur between instances for DR, I was looking at how other decentralized systems for inspiration. Something like RAID where it’s tolerant of one or two drive failures could be translated to Lemmy. When you set up a new instance it allows you to opt-in to a peer network where you host backup content from several other instances and your instance is backed up to several other (non-overlapping) instances.
The actual pricing that Reddit was going to charge ($12k/50million calls) was never shared until 30 days before it was set to go live. If the pricing hadn’t been modeled after Twitter and been more reasonable, then 3rd party app developers wouldn’t have been happy about the 30 day notice but it would have at least been possible to hit that deadline.