Ford Ka? Or another type of Ka?
Ford Ka? Or another type of Ka?
How do you know? Can you prove it?
I have no way to tell, one way or another, so I’m not saying you are objectively wrong.
But you sound… Categorical.
If, and that’s a big if, you don’t remember a thing, then things could have happened that you won’t remember.
I don’t actually believe that this is what happened, but it’s not the rational slam dunk one might think it is.
I wish it is that way though. I don’t want to relive the experience I went through earlier in my life.
Main character syndrome?
My conscience ends.
If the materialists are right, the atoms I’m made of end up reforming my conscience into another mortal coil as a matter of statistics.
If they’re wrong and there’s a spirit that’s not bound to the material world, I end up living inside another hull that accepts consciousness. Repeatedly. Could be human, alien, or that of an animal.
If that happens, I want to live in a world that respects all consciousness.
Il me semblait que Thunderbird était antérieur à Rust. Est-il entièrement en Rust ou bien seulement partiellement?
Gamedev does not necessarily pay badly, depending on your location. But getting hired to do it might be tough.
I got in by getting hired in a game company doing something related but it wasn’t directly gamedev. After a while, I was able to transfer to actual gamedev and I’m now on my third big game project, having shipped two.
I tried getting into gamedev directly, and that was honestly pretty soul-crushing.
Of all the things to complain about, people care about a fucking flag?
Why is it that the californian tech bros have all embraced conservative talking points so quickly? Weren’t they supposed to be “shitlibs”?
Pas sûr que l’urne mérite un tel châtiment. Ça devrait partir direct dans la fosse à purin.
Bon débarras à ce sacré tas de merde!
Are you sinking about?
More often than not pretty basic, too. Like chicken sandwiches from a specific Popeye’s in Toronto 😌
Et c’est pas beau ça? Que de beaux chemins parcourus!
Bonne année à vous également!
Fair enough, I wish it is that way!