When they made an alt-right equivalent of Patreon they called it “Hatreon”. This stuff is like a game to them.
If Caroline Ellison hadn’t been in an actual relationship with a “high net-worth individual” I would have said it was just straightforward satire, but given the context I think she’s using mask of irony to pretend she isn’t revealing her true self.
Her words may be satirical, but her actions were more like “this but unironically”.
SEO will pillage the commons.
My personal conspiracy theory (not sure if I actually believe this yet):
The idea that people would use generative AI to make SEO easier (and thus make search engine results worse) was not an unfortunate side effect of generative AI, it was the entire purpose. It’s no coincidence that OpenAI teamed up with Google’s biggest rival in search engines; we’re now seeing an arms race between tech giants using spambot generators to overwhelm the enemy’s filters.
The decision to make chatGPT public was not about concern for openness (if it was they would have made the earlier versions of GPT public too), it’s more that they had a business partner lined up and Google search had become enshittified enough that they thought they could pull off a successful “disruption”.
I did not. Got any details?
Also FWIW I discovered this yesterday: https://archive.ph/SFCwS
No idea if it’s true, but even if so I don’t think it would exonerate him (though it would put Aella in a worse light)
Yudkowsky is pretty open about being a sexual sadist
Since they brought up Kathy Forth I’d just like to remind everyone within a few weeks of Kathy’s death it was revealed that they had in fact known about the accusations against Brent Dill.
And yet the market is said to be “erring” and to have “irrationality” when it disagrees with rationalist ideas. Funny how that works.
the cell’s ribosomes will transcribe mRNA into a protein. It’s a little bit like an executable file for biology.
Also, because mRNA basically has root level access to your cells, your body doesn’t just shuttle it around and deliver it like the postal service. That would be a major security hazard.
I am not saying plieotropy doesn’t exist. I’m saying it’s not as big of a deal as most people in the field assume it is.
Genes determine a brain’s architectural prior just as a small amount of python code determines an ANN’s architectural prior, but the capabilities come only from scaling with compute and data (quantity and quality).
When you’re entirely shameless about your Engineer’s Disease
And like the Catholic Church, they have sexual assault scandals
E/acc comes across to me as run-of-the-mill libertarianism dressed in sci-fi clothes, and the idea that it’s in any way related to thermodynamics is bait.
I thought about posting this stuff before, wasn’t sure if it was in scope. There’s more (including a couple more manifestos) here: https://www.effectiveacceleration.org/
In a world of moral totalitarianism, sometimes freedom looks like a short story about sex tourism in the Philippines.
I literally lol’d. Beyond parody.
the answer is to get Peter Thiel to try to magic up Dimes Square out of nothing, isn’t it?
On a actually serious note: When I look back at the multiple years I spent on sneerclub and otherwise following the rationalists, I increasingly feel that I had been tilting at windmills. I had spent most of that time making fun of them instead of looking into their finances, and in doing so I had missed the big picture and simply hadn’t realized how integral Peter Thiel was in propping them up and building a network to support them.
Thiel funds or funded MIRI, EA groups, Curtis Yarvin, FTX and OpenAI.
Sorry, don’t know how that happened