Yeah we only look back at Kennedy with nostalgia because we never got to see how he would inevitably have taken slightly different roads as everyone else, just to get to where we are today.
Yeah we only look back at Kennedy with nostalgia because we never got to see how he would inevitably have taken slightly different roads as everyone else, just to get to where we are today.
Look, nearly all criticism of LBJ is valid and true. Corrupt, power hungry, egotistical, deranged, sure. But he did have a soft spot for the (rural, white) poor and did wander backwards into signing some progressive bills.
That said, the CIA killed Kennedy because not only did he tell them no, he told them he was taking their toys away and sending them home. It was at this point that the slow road to having every president have direct, first degree links to American intelligence operations culminating with a former director of the CIA and has only gotten more shameless since then. Although, Trump I haven’t looked into it much.
LBJ was just there, and I’m sure he immediately signaled he’d play whatever kind of ball they wanted to play.
Cowboys vs Yankees. The story of intra-agency intelligence power struggles in the 20th century
uncritical support for the mad lad accelerationists working undercover at youtube premium
I’m struggling to think of anything lore wise in gambo thrones that wasn’t a real event in English history, or at the very least a popular belief / self worshipping mythology
Even as a high schooler I remember thinking a few hundred pages in, wait. Wait… is this the war of the fucking roses
I can never decide which is funnier to me, GRRM being a Disney screenwriter in their children’s animation division or the fact he abandoned the song of ice and fire entirely and now exclusively adds to an absolute trash universe he created about removed racist cajun vampires with alcoholism and gambling that makes Twilight look like Pride and Prejudice
Yet, somehow this would still probably be the most respectful treatment of any of the first nations by any Mormon, ever
The history of the Mormon church is like oops hahaha all war crimes I’m so silly
It’s really hard to criticize anything about Twilight after you learn it was literally self published fan fiction written by a Mormon house wife with ten kids that has never once in her life even seen a healthy or fulfilling relationship from a distance, or had a meal containing any form of seasoning, and will almost certainly die without having ever experienced even an aliquot of sexual pleasure
I also like to kidnap my entire family in my used hearse then do a shitload of amphetamines in the Mexican desert immediately after completing a formal education in the newly developed science of ecology that ended with learning about the inevitability of man made climate change continuing to accelerate the greatest and final planetary mass extinction event, the holocene era
Yeah I feel that shit in my soul bro, for sure
Whomst amongst us hasn’t done a Herbert once or twice
Democrats taking 30 years to not do anything part 300
Sat on Roe v Wade for 50 years so I guess it could be worse. God damn imagine supporting these losers
I’m gonna go with “immediately after the fall of the soviet union” when the feds pulled the plug on all funding for higher education in lieu of doing donuts in the parking lot and invading Iraq over and over again
brace noise
It’s not great. But residency is where the villain arc begins.