The other 7.8 billion of us on this planet would have the biggest objection to “lbs”
The other 7.8 billion of us on this planet would have the biggest objection to “lbs”
Honestly, best of luck and it would be amazing if you succeeded. Sadly I think actively supporting this requires a lot more faith in electoralism than I have.
I accepted after the Corbyn era that neither the Labour party nor the media care to actually hold politicians they like responsible for anything, including popular demand. Get 100k signatures and you’ll get what you always get, a lame excuse and then you’ll be ignored. Or even if Starmer came out today and said “Lying is okay”, would that stop a Labour win? I doubt it.
It’s already been proven that piracy is a causal factor in more sales. Any self-interested dev should be promoting piracy of their game.
Whenever I’m asked for help by IT colleagues, I never say I’ll help solve an issue. I just say “Sure, I’ll come help stare at it for a while” - it’s the most I can really promise.
Precisely, which is why the US is imposing massive tariffs on Chinese EVs and PVs.
Calcium fluoride keep teeth winning
In Europe, these blocks are typically just IP bans, so secure DNS no helpy. You need a VPN or other proxy.
FWIW, if you’re in Europe, you have guaranteed rights to refund online purchases within a timeframe. I’m assuming they’ve factored that in, but worth knowing if not.
As it done says in my favourite book ever “Oftentimes have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong as though he were not one of you, but a stranger unto you and an intruder upon your world.”.
Long overdue, and less than it should be doing, honestly. But I’ll take a step a right in the direction for what it’s worth.
Top marks to Epic for fighting that battle. But are they now going to fine Google for all the profit they illegally gained in the last ten years? Or just a slap on the wrist and require them to put in some weak-choose-another-store option in some phones moving forward?
Forward three hours, me using to try fit the whole gist of my change into the first line.
Another weird stat, given how incredibly easy it is grow garlic:
Step 1) Put clove in soil
Step 2) Get more garlic
These aren’t even toys, they’re just 3D advertisements.
I think ‘foresaw his wife’s pained death, choked her out in a fit of rage on a lava planet, lost consciousness, then woke up and immediately learned she had died (which was true by then)’ is a bit more convincing evidence his kids didn’t make it than ‘someone lied to him’.
I’ve never really heard of alternatives, to be honest. If others are equally easy to use and work with Git, I’d do it. Taking suggestions for alternatives?
To be honest, I found 5e is so massively oversimplified it’s boring. Maybe I didn’t play enough to comb through books of niche rules or something.
Top work - I notice DBZero’s instance reckons they’ve implemented AI scanning-and-blocking for CSAM, it may be worth getting in touch/investigating there.
Fair dos, that makes sense, thanks~
I don’t know what kind of spells these would be but I fear the wizard who knows them.