Nah, I’ll mention it next time I go though. It doesn’t really bother me, I like ice cream but not enough to foot the doctor’s bill just for that.
Nah, I’ll mention it next time I go though. It doesn’t really bother me, I like ice cream but not enough to foot the doctor’s bill just for that.
I stopped eating most dairy (except cheese — love that shit) cause milkshakes, ice cream, etc started making me get congested.
No other symptoms, just congestion, and never with cheese. Oh well. At least I still have my cheese.
Train your CI with this, Reddit!
GitHub actions intensifies
I mean, a state actor making an offensive move on Russia is a very different thing than a mercenary group doing the same. I’m not sure that “afraid” is the word I would use here.
Chinese constipation futures? Buy, buy, buy! Who knew we needed a DD on constipation medication, but the signs are here!
(Note: If it wasn’t obvious, I’m joking)
Super peaceful game. I found myself just driving my Jeep through the countryside half the time, the graphics are great. Also the organ/shot system for animals is really detailed.
SRA represent. For those who aren’t in the know, here’s a news story from the Elm Fork chapter of JBGC.
Also fuck the Dallas express, they use pretty sickening language (vagrants? Really?). Look through the lens of protecting your community (homeless included) to read what really happened.
Swipe from the edge of the screen on iOS. If anyone knows how to refresh, let me know. Pull down to refresh doesn’t seem to work.
I learned my first language around 10-11, which was Lua (or at least Roblox’s flavor of it), because I stumbled into a “script builder” server one day that intrigued me.
People would post really long, confusing chat messages (which I would later learn were Lua scripts), then something would pop into the world in game, on their character, etc.
Turns out, the “script builder” server was running the chat as a constant compiler, executing chat messages against the server, then populating the game with the results. That left little old me in awe, and the people on there were super friendly and helped me learn the language.
One thing led to another, I went to college for CS, dropped out after a couple years and started freelancing. (Wrong choice folks, it was the hard road, I made pennies for my efforts trying to build a portfolio)
Eventually I got hired at my first salaried job, a Django agency as a full stack dev. Got to do some cool work. Hopped around in the agency world (some technical, some marketing), got tired of interacting with clients and doing any frontend work. Now I work on an energy demand/response product, am exclusively backend (and cloud-native), and fucking love my job.
So yeah, it started as a hobby, grew into a passion, and now I do what I love and get paid quite well for it. I also really enjoy building smart home devices.
Prefer to give it 0 energy. Even this comment is pushing it.