Check out servers ultimate on the app store. They have over 60 services that you can host.
Check out servers ultimate on the app store. They have over 60 services that you can host.
Wait until you find out that some cities sold or leased parking rights to private companies.
Does porkbun support dynamic DNS and subdomain? Looking to move from Google and that’s a requirement for me.
As a Linux guy, i disagree. I don’t know what version of Linux (or how long ago) you tried Linux. Sync is more like Linux, so many options and features to make it exactly what you want.
That is great for hardware failures, but what about disasters? I would hate to lose my house to a fire and all the data (including things not replaceable, like family photos) I have on my server at the same time because my primary and backup were both destroyed.
In this case, one could assume tumbling is related to the temperature and not the situation, leading to an observation that the situation is improving. It is a poor choice of words for this headline.
Not OP, but I carry one from Star Tech. They are pricey, but if you need them, the are great.ine also has mass media support, so I can use a iso on my pc and boot the other computer to it, great for setting up servers when ilo/idrac decides to give you issues.
But when I’m on vacation or off for the weekend, I don’t want to be reachable by work.
A bit more about mine now that I have a little more time, it’s a VM on vmWare, it has two virtual interfaces, on on my DMZ vlan, and the other is a trunk with the rest of my vlans. With the *sense, I have 2 phisical I terfaces, and then virtual interfaces that correspond to the VLANs. My router is plugged into my switch on an access port for the DMZ, and the ESXi hosts are connected to the switch with VLAN trunks. This allows me to migrate the router to another host for reboots.
I have PF sense virtualized with no issues.
Good. Hopefully some of them migrate over here!
I’ll second this. I opted for the more expensive version to get the larger screen and N connectors (instead of SMA) and have been very happy with it.
In my area, we have a grid pattern, so there is one intersection that is the 0/0 mark, and addresses all start from there. Each block is 100 addresses, so the first block North would be 0-99 North Main St, the next would be 100-199 North Main St, and so on. Some numbers are skipped, because I think the address can even be used to know the number of feet from the corner the property starts at.
Now, if a street starts 6 blocks south of the 0 line, it’s addresses start at 600 South Something Road. It takes some getting used to, but once you learn it, it’s really useful to be able to get to a new place without directions.