• Patapon Enjoyer
      152 months ago

      They say a good captain goes down with his ship.

      A great captain goes down on his shipmates

  • @[email protected]
    92 months ago

    This whole time I’ve been reading Redfall as Redwall and wondering how I completely missed the furry monastery game.

  • @[email protected]
    72 months ago

    More and I wonder why we allow companies to buy up competition. Why are companies allowed to own other companies at all, anyway? Seems kinda fuckin’ ridiculous.

    I know there’s good to it, but without stricter control it eventually just does the same thing as every other capitalist mechanism: Result in the power being used to kill competition and/or turn good projects into sterile money machines until eventually their reputation is garbage.

    I’m not advocating for communism or anything but holy shit we gotta be more in top of this. Microsoft shouldn’t even be allowed to be in control of themselves let along anyone else. They can’t make a single good product and here we are…

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      The thing is that most countries have a monopolies and mergers commission to make sure that anti-competitive sales are not happening, and the other thing is that politicians are humans who need a swimming pool so their daughter can practice swimming for the school team.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      So on a smaller scale it makes some sense.

      I own a service that sublets from another business on days they do not operate.

      The owner of the other business is retiring, my business is buying his business.

      • @[email protected]
        02 months ago

        100%, and that’s how they getcha. Like buying stocks always being sold as if it’s a regular person buying $1,000 of shares in a company they want to see grow while some empty suits are using millions of dollars to try to short a business to make some quick cash.

        It’s fucked up.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Why do people keep letting Microsoft be in control. Stop buying Xbox and Gamepass. Stop using Windows. Don’t use Microsoft Office. That’s it. Microsoft is no longer a part of your life and you can forget they exist.

      • @[email protected]
        02 months ago

        Leaving Windows is difficult for a lot of people as Linux is quite there yet for grandma and Apple products, while I love them, are expensive. Most people are moving to having it all on their phone, though, but that also means even less care about putting money or energy into a whole-ass computer.

        Excel is good but for most people Google Sheets is fine(are cheaper). The rest of Office is crap.

        The Xbox is certainly not worth it. Makes me sad because I like the controller more but that’s life, I guess. Besides, they didn’t invent it anyway, it was a Sega(I believe) thing.

        For my part I’ll buy the controllers for PC games, and my friend is working on getting us reliable Linux setups, but for most people it’s not so easy. They don’t know what they don’t know, either.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          I think for grandma Linux is actually easy. You can easily make it look like Windows or Mac or something recognisable with big friendly icons. And lock it down, so she can’t mess anything up. The only difficulty part is if you need something very specific that only works on Windows. But for gaming, browsing and Office, most things works absolutely fine on Linux. Valve has made it incredibly easy to install Steam games on Linux, even if they officially only work on Windows.

          Most Linux apps can be installed from an App Store, that works like it does on phones. It’s a bit different, but it’s not harder. The exception is some multiplayer games that require some aggressive anti cheat, that won’t work. It’s also easier if you have an AMD GPU as it will just work on Linux, nvidia is making it a bit difficult, but that’s nvidia fault for not playing nice.

          Installing something like Pop Linux doesn’t take more than 20 minutes.