• @[email protected]
    115 months ago
    • Spanish (native)
    • Portuguese (fluent)
    • English (fluent)
    • Italian (understand 99% but speak very badly)
    • Russian (very basic and haven’t trained in years, but enough that I was able to tourist around Russia a decade ago)

    I’ve also studied some German but I don’t think it’s at any level worth mentioning. I can also say the phrase “Sorry I don’t speak X, do you speak English?” In:

    • German
    • Dutch
    • French
    • Finnish (I can also say the weather is bad/good and obviously Perkele hahah)

    Essentially every country that I’ve visited I can at least ask the person if they speak English, I consider it rude to ask that question in English.

  • Lvxferre
    5 months ago

    It’s complicated. Short version: Portuguese and Italian.

    Long version:

    • Portuguese - native
    • Italian - have been learning it since a kid. It’s by no means native speaker level, but I feel rather confident in the language.
    • Venetian - I can speak some but I can’t write stuff in the language without pulling out a dic. My knowledge of the language is rusting and it pains me.
    • English - written only.
    • German - I can speak and write some. I use it mostly with my cat.
    • Latin - Classical pronunciation and rather decent vocab. Can read Caesar unaided without too much trouble, Cicero is another can of worms.
    • French - studied it a long, looooong time ago. Completely forgotten.
    • Russian, Ukrainian - sometimes I play a bit with both but I don’t speak or write either, I just know Cyrillic. I tend to use Cyrillic a fair bit for my personal notes but it’s always with Italian or Latin, it’s just so people don’t snoop on my notes.
    • Spanish - I never studied the language, my pronunciation is awful, but if I wasn’t able to read it I’d seriously question my own basic literacy for Portuguese and Italian.
      • Lvxferre
        35 months ago

        Yup! And there’s some backstory for that.

        Back when we adopted Siegfrieda*, I was studying German; and I decided to speak with her in German for my own sake, it’s good for memorisation. But then I realised that she and Kika (our other cat) would pay attention to me separately depending on the language, so it was unexpectedly useful.

        *the name is also obviously related to that, but partially due to the meaning; it’s fitting for a cat that, when adopted, was beaten and starving and pregnant, and now only needs to bother about cardboard boxes and cups of yoghurt. It’s like she got her victory peace (Sieg Frieden).

    • Lvxferre
      95 months ago

      anglijskij i russkij

      I love the fact that I can understand this fine without knowing Russian.

  • RedEye FlightControl
    55 months ago

    FastIron, NOS, PowerCLI, BASH, PowerSHell, esxcli, ComWare, Enterasys/Extreme, enough of MSSQL, Python, C++ to be dangerous

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    Only English fluently.

    I can speak a tiny bit of Spanish. Enough to order food, ask for directions etc.

    I can also sort of decipher the meaning of sentences in German, but not fast enough to have a conversation.

  • CronyAkatsuki
    45 months ago

    Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian all on master level,

    English learned in school as secondary language.

    Can understand all the other balkan languages to some degree.

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    English, C++; Z80, 6502, and 45GS02 assembly, some SQL, VHDL, a bit of Python and Verilog, BASIC65, bash, CP/M ED, and a few other odds and ends

    • Lvxferre
      15 months ago

      I get that you’re probably joking, but note that calling C++ etc. “languages” is at most synecdoche. A really common one, but still a figure of speech.

      (Language has multiple functions; referential, directive, expressive, phatic, metalinguistic, poetic, metalinguistic etc. Those instruction sets used when programming are at best directive speech only, as they’re basically issuing commands to something.)

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        I am fully aware, I speak nerd and computer.

        The computers speak back. It’s a good time.

        I might be going insane?

        I’m also ripping off being inspired by another comment.

        Poe’s law strikes again?

        • Lvxferre
          25 months ago

          I got that you were probably joking. However, I’ve seen so many times people equating the human systems of communication with the computer instruction sets that… well, sorry for the knee-jerk reaction.

          (Last time that I saw someone genuinely thinking that C++, Fortran, Python etc. were the same deal as Mandarin, English, Spanish etc., the muppet in question brought up code comments for an “ackshyually lol lmao”. Yup.)

            • Lvxferre
              5 months ago

              This was in r/linguistics, by the way. And the moderators there were doing jack shit to inform the users. Even if one of them works with NLP, so you’d expect the person to be somewhat well versed in both Linguistics and basic programming.

              The worst part? It wasn’t even the only time that I saw this conflation. I think that people get caught in the words, and miss that they’re referring to different concepts.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Perfectly fluent: English

    Fluent at talking and reading, but can’t write (horrible at spelling): Telugu (in two very different dialects)

    Illiterate, but can understand everything spoken: Kannada

    Can hold tourist level conversations and can read: German and Hindi

    What is a tourist level conversation? Talk slowly, pronounce stuff weird, ask ppl to repeat some things if they go too fast or have an accent that’s different than the one I learned.

    I’ve noticed that I only know languages in the indo-European and Dravidian families. Deliberating between whether to improve my Kannada or to learn a new east or south east Asian language next to increase my language family count.

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago
    • Chinese (Mandarin) - native
    • English - fluent
    • Japanese - still in the very early stages of learning
  • Rolivers
    5 months ago

    Dutch natively

    English fluently

    German understandably

    Toddler level Korean.