don’t know if this is the correct community to post this on, but is there a way to style Reddit (most likely old Reddit but it doesn’t matter) with a similar style to Lemmy? there are a few small subreddits I still browse (because there is no Lemmy equivalent) and it would be cool if I could style it like the regular Lemmy style (if you need an example:

I know there are frontends for viewing Lemmy instances like Reddit, but I haven’t heard of any way to do the reverse.

it could be through a stylesheet, an alternative frontend, even just a pointer on how you could style a website into a different style.

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    Not really, once Reddit closed off their API to all but the absolute highest of bidders, it broke a lot of functionality of a lot of smaller apps like this. You might still be able to find something to spruce up the CSS client side somewhere, but a lot of devs abandoned the ecosystem once Reddit, the company, made it clear in no uncertain terms that community support and 3rd party partnerships were unwelcome.

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 months ago

      oh, I forgot about the API not being freely available; so an alternate frontend wouldn’t be a proper solution?

      going by the other comments, though, there are client-side options that can avoid API issues entirely by just re-styling the webpage. thanks for the info, though!

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    3 months ago

    The regular Lemmy style is already basically the same as old reddit. That’s one of the reasons I moved to Lemmy; it kept a similar format to the old reddit style that I originally came to Reddit for over a decade ago when Digg decided they wanted to suck. The biggest difference is that it’s white and the thumbs are on the left and not the right. But you can use RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) to customize it. Or at least… I’m pretty sure RES should still work 🤔 It’s just a CSS editor thing specific to Reddit; I don’t think it used any of their API.

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 months ago

      yeah, that was the main reason I wanted to apply it to old Reddit specifically, because it would have been easier with simpler theming and old Reddit is close to Lemmy’s style too

      I installed RES beforehand, but haven’t used any of its features. I’ll try this out first and maybe Stylish if that doesn’t work. thanks!

  • @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    it could be through a stylesheet, an alternative frontend, even just a pointer on how you could style a website into a different style. thanks!

    You could download the Lemmy Frontend and rewire the API to point to the reddit API

    If you just want to modify a bunch of things client side, you could download the browser extension Stylish

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 months ago

      okay thanks for the tip! I’m already using Stylish but I couldn’t find a pre-made style for Lemmy.

      I figured I could make my own but I didn’t want to waste time doing something that could have been done already or could be done faster. at least I know I’m on the right track!