Trump sorta faded from the limelight in 2021. He’s everywhere now. How much of that is because of his multiple prosecutions?

Don’t get me wrong, I think he should be imprisoned for treason. But if there hadn’t been these cases against him, how likely would it be that he just fucked off into the sunset and didn’t run for a second term? He might have run otherwise, but now he’s kinda forced to (as though he wasn’t a narcissist who craved attention – I’m not debating that).

Obviously, we can only speculate. But I’m curious what others think about this?

    • Scrubbles
      196 months ago

      I think we’re witnessing at a national scale what being a distant and poor father does to a child, followed by never dealing with those feelings.

      I think Trump has a need to be successful because it was the only way his dad showed any attention. Becoming president he thought would help but of course it didn’t, and then losing probably honestly shattered something in his brain. The dude needs major therapy, he thinks he’s so strong and tough but I honestly see a boy who will do anything to win his dad’s attention.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      He stopped campaigning from 2000 all the way to like 2016, but yeah, I don’t think he has stopped in recent history.

      I just like to remind people of his past failed presidential bids, because that has somehow fallen out of our collective memory.

  • @[email protected]
    206 months ago

    I think he definitely would have run, and instead of using the legal cases, would be using his “stolen election” lie to campaign on.

  • Boozilla
    156 months ago

    Can’t forget how much the news outlets profit from this clown and his traitorous antics. They love that sweet money.

  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    He always planned to run again. He had a taste of victory in 2016, he won’t stop until he’s dead

  • PonyOfWar
    86 months ago

    Probably. His ego was hurt when he lost to Biden, I think he would have run again in any case.

  • snownyte
    86 months ago

    The only thing stopping this piece of shit now is death. He’ll never see jail. He’ll never stop trying to achieve his ultimate dictating fantasies. People can sound tough to him all they like but the fucker seems to slime his way through somehow.

    And the media is too dumb and careless that the reason he’s even getting somewhat stronger in some fields is cause they keep feeding attention.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    It’s goading him, but the root greed to be dictator of the US of A has been in him, all along.

    There was an article, somewhere, about “the guardrails have come off”, about the people who used to surround him, who mitigated his absolute-greed for absolute-authority-over-all-others, but they’ve all left.

    It was there, all along.

    • GladiusB
      36 months ago

      Not surprised. He was born with a silver spoon and internally thinks success is only in winning and anything less is not worthy of him.

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    Yes he would still run. He tries to give the impression that he’s a big winner that wins bigly, who never loses because losing is for losers. He can’t allow himself to end on a loss, his brand image basically demands that he keeps trying and he can’t be satisfied until he wins a second term.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    DT will never be successfully tried for any of his major crimes in his lifetime because it would be too embarrassing for the US.

    For all the talk about being “leaders of the free world” and “the biggest superpower”, if the US govt truly acknowledged what one of their presidents did (some that is known about, some that is only suspected) the US would lose a lot of prestige and power on the world stage. Sweeping political reform would be necessary, and no-one in power actually wants that.

    In about 50 years’ time it will all come out as previously secret papers are released long, long after he’s dead.

    • @[email protected]OP
      16 months ago

      Yeah, pretty much exactly right. From our interference in Haiti to everything else, we’ve been complete meddling in everyone’s shit for a long time. One of the most corrupt countries in the 20th century. Only had shine because we rocketed with our economy post-WWII.

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    I think yes, because the main factors that animate others to push him to campaign would still be there, that being that foreign actors see Trump as better for their aims than Biden, or really anyone who isn’t Trump.

    Case in point, Ukraine. Nobody who aligns with Trump on Ukraine is capable of even surviving the primary anymore, Trump literally is the only man who can pass the trial anymore, and it’s primarily because of the mass catharsis he specifically endows upon the Republican base.

    MTG might say all the right words, but Trump is still the only one who made rural whites feel like it was ok for them to say the N-Word again, and so only he is capable of being the true animator of that energy of defense at all costs.

    This unique position means that there would always be a natural path for him to run for the republican nomination, and it also explains why democrats don’t have their own trump figure, because even the most wingnut of wingnuts imagineable would have that base of racial, ethnic, religious, or whatever cultural tantrum grievance that Trump is capable of animating, because when democrats talk about grievances, 9 times out of 10, they’re actual grievances that genuinely affect their quality of life, and not just the frustrations of an old discriminatory class which wishes to begin discriminating again without suffering the social consequences of such.