• @[email protected]
      96 months ago

      Thats why i hate going to dispensaries. I have never noticed any difference between indica or sativa, and i hate asking for an ounce of Rainbow Unicorn Spoof and half of Banana Creampie. I’m a grown man and i just want some weed to smoke and make edibles with. Normally i get around this by just buying shake, but they didn’t even have any at the place i went to a few months ago.

      • Apathy Tree
        66 months ago

        You can do what I did most recently.

        I said “you have a special going on, so I want flower up to the limit for the special, good fun stuff, nice variety, preferably heavy on couch-lock weed. You can mix and match and I’ll just pay for it.”

        Works out really well. I didn’t have to pretend to give a shit about their claims of how it tasted or what it would do (“smoke” and “high” respectively, per usual), didn’t have to pretend I cared what the names or blends were, like just give me weed please and thanks. Like my dealer never gave me options?? Just give weed, here’s money. I don’t want to talk to you about the weed just sell it to me before this is uncomfortable.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        Recently asked the guy behind the counter for something more chill and relaxing, as my random purchases ended up giving me anxiety. Worked really well, good recommendations.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        I specify a brand / sativa vs indica and just let them pick one out for me. Haven’t found one I had to have yet

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      one thing you should care about is THC %, there’s a big difference between say 5% and 20%

      5% THC weed will give you a nice relaxing high, the same amount of 20% THC weed will send you so far into space you can basically call it a psychodelic experience

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        You just don’t need to use as much with the higher % kinds. If the price is the same, it’s a better value because it can last longer.

        FYI smoking is wasteful. Blunts are the most wasteful way to waste your money on that. Vaping with convection and/or conduction heat source is the absolute best way to use those flowers.

        • @[email protected]
          -36 months ago

          seeing as weed is still illegal where i currently live i’d rather trust an unaltered flower than a murky liquid of vague origin

          • @[email protected]
            56 months ago

            Herbal vapes have existed for long before e-liquids became a thing.

            As a bonus you end up with AVB (already vaped bud) which is great for edibles as you can skip the decarb process.

            • @[email protected]
              26 months ago

              Heh, when you mentioned AVB I fully expected you to finish with “which is great for selling to suckers,” so I found the actual ending to be a wholesome surprise!

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            There’s just medical where I live, and every single product has the lab results of what’s in the batch printed right on the box.

            The advantages of legalization and regulation.

            • @[email protected]
              26 months ago

              dude tell that to my country’s goverment. So far all anxiety meds i’ve tried made me feel worse, and i’ve just been smoking sometimes when it gets too bad. Weed is the only things that’s worked for me so far. Obviously i haven’t tried all the anxiety meds out there but fucking hell, the last ones i have a shot made me feel like i was mid-panic attack the entire day, i’d rather not have to potentially experience that again

              • @[email protected]
                26 months ago

                Ahh, I’m sorry you have to deal with that!

                It took me years to find a combination of medications that seemed to help. It’s nice being able to feel kind of normal sometimes.

                But the cannabis is like liquid calm and happiness waiting in a glass case for emergencies (or live resin waiting in a vape cart). It has worked on some seriously bad days. But its also nice to use in small amounts just about every day.

      • FiveMacs
        46 months ago

        Seriously have my doubts about the accuracy of said percentage. I’ve had 10-15% knock me on my ass compared to 20-23%

        • @[email protected]
          36 months ago

          i have my 24-25% from a good source and the blunts i make look pathetic, but then knock me off my feet in minutes

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    246 months ago

    This is pretty much how it is buying weed anywhere. Everything has been crossbred with everything else so much to the point where it’s hard to even know the actual genealogy of a strain. Something listed as an indica can give you crack head energy, while something that claims to be sativa will put you in da ground, much less in da couch. If they’re even accurately tested to begin with. I’ve seen one brand labeling what was supposedly Grand Daddy Purple as a sativa dominant hybrid. It’s either not that, or not GDP.

    • Snot Flickerman
      226 months ago

      Further, actual research has shown a persons individual biology combined with the individual biology of each individual strain has much more impact on how the strains effect a person than whether they are “sativa” or “indica.”

      So your relationship with Grand Daddy Purple is your relationship and someone else’s may be different, but you can generally be sure you’ll get the same kind of high from the same strain each time.

      • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
        6 months ago

        Sure, but GDP is supposed to be the original strain (hence the “Grand Daddy” part of the name, much like OG is supposed to indicate it’s the original incarnation of that strain) and the original strain was indica. It doesn’t give me much confidence in the lab testing when the lab sticker says it’s something it shouldn’t be based on the strain it claims to be. Either the grower is lying to me or not actually having it tested correctly.

        It’s all about the terpenes in it, and knowing if it was indica or sativa used to be a fairly good indicator of the type of high you would experience. Now you really have to experiment with shit or have very knowledgeable budtenders. Especially with concentrates because they often add terpenes to it that may not have been in the strain they made the concentrate from, which affects the high.

        • Snot Flickerman
          6 months ago

          While you’re not wrong about how things have been crossbred, you need to be re-assessing if old wives tales from the 70’s are as accurate as scientific research. “Indica” and “Sativa” were never meaningful terms for the kind of high they gave you, and we never had any evidence to support it except anecdotal evidence.

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago

            Here’s my anecdote. When it became legal here, I’d try to find what tastes good. Sometimes I’d want to die laughing, others I’d want to sleep. Either way, the illegal stuff I’d had never hit nearly as hard. Then I started paying attention to packaging. Sativa was my laughing drug 100%.

            Problem is, like mentioned above, most of it now is “a blend!” and it’s bullshit.

  • @[email protected]
    86 months ago

    Since legalization in my area, I feel like strains have all melded into a same-y collection. So few places sell the old strains that actually have distinctive qualities. Give me less Banana Brainlet Glue #69 and more Super Lemon Haze. Less Smack Daddy OG Citrus and more Cherry Pie.

  • Flying SquidM
    46 months ago

    I used to go to a dispensary in L.A. that had a wide selection and it was all in glass jars. They would always open the jar and let me smell it before I bought it and I still don’t understand why because it never seemed to indicate anything about the weed except what it would smell like… and that’s not really a big factor when buying weed for most people, is it?

      • Flying SquidM
        46 months ago

        That makes sense. It would have been nice if they had explained that at some point.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          Naaah, I bought my first bag of weed when I was 11 years old. The dude who sold it to me said, “smell this shit bro, it dank as fuck! It’s the shit that killed Elvis. You can tell by the smell!”

          It’s been legal in my state for awhile now, I haven’t smoked in years, and any time anyone has pulled out their weed to show me what they picked up they still pop the jar or bag open and say some variation of, “Bro, smell dis shit. Good shit ain’t it?”

          I’ve smoked weed that smelled awesome and barely gave me a buzz, but the smell check is just a part of the stoner culture.

    • Kelly Aster 🏳️‍⚧️
      46 months ago

      Hey FlyingSquid! So, like, there are different types of mj aromas, which are solely dependent on the terpenes present in the plant. That’s a documented thing. There’s a over a hundred terpene types that can result in citrus, diesel, skunky, or woodsy smells, for example. However, as it’s been pointed out already, plants have been cross-bred so much over the years that individually named strains don’t always have their “known” unique characteristics these days. And that includes smell/aroma.

      So yeah, it doesn’t really matter anymore. I wouldn’t put much stock in how flower smells, because it’s largely inconsequential save for personal preference. I prefer citrus-y flower cuz it smells better to me. There’s one strain I used to buy regularly from my dealer that had a really strong but pleasant grapefruit smell (and taste, just a little), it was awesome.

      Also, wrt indica vs sativa… there’s never been any scientific data that can back the claim that they provide different kinds of high, like energizing versus relaxing. It’s just not true. Like the meme says, weed is weed.

      • Flying SquidM
        36 months ago

        Yeah, ‘weed is weed’ always applied to me too. Very occasionally I’d get a strain that I felt hit harder than others, but meh. I just get what’s cheapest now. That works fine.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        The smell can reveal a lot about how it’s cured, which definitely affects many things including potency.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      They did that during the medical years in my state too (AZ), but after legalization I started seeing the samples go away and start being replaced with labels on the product that not only tell you the name of the strain, but also THC and CBD percentages (sometimes CBN & CBG too), harvest date, and even terpene profile as well.

      But even then, I’m finding that price tends to be more of an indicator of quality than the raw numbers. I’ve had $70 dabs with 65% THC hit harder than the $20 stuff that contains 80%+. The growing and manufacturing process can make a seemingly lesser product hit harder than one with numbers that look good.

      I wish there was something like a Scoville scale for weed: measuring potency simply by having a panel of people test the product and put a number to how high it makes them feel, just like how chili pepper spiciness is measured.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        I have heard that there’s some fudging the numbers going on in the legal weed industry in Canada, e.g. growers only testing with labs that produce “favourable” results.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      First, the whole “Indica - Sativa” thing is a joke, the amount of genetics and number of factors that go into weed makes this distinction totally meaningless

      Second for a lot of weed users the taste is important (and smell is taste for all intents and purposes), and it also allows people to directly assess the type of weed and it’s quality just as well if not better than staring at the weed in a bag.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Like others, it comes down to mold, and what I would call the “skunk factor”. IMO that’s the worst part of smoking this stuff. If I could get something legitimately marketed as “low sulfur” I would probably change careers if that’s what it took to keep it on shelves. Otherwise, it’s edibles for me.

      Maybe more seasoned users know how a given flower works on your brain based on odor, but that’s not me.

  • Destroyer of Worlds 3000
    6 months ago

    it took .1 second to see the obligatory “actually, indica and sativa aren’t blah blah blah” omfg shut the fuck up. we are getting high today