• @[email protected]
    16611 months ago

    My wife uses Arch (actually). She calls it the internet, when she really means Facebook. She knows it isn’t Apple but it gets a bit vague after that!

    The last time I had to fire up the Mesh Central client to sort something out on her desktop from work was around three months ago. Every couple of weeks I ssh into it, update it and schedule a reboot for 03:00.

      • @[email protected]
        7611 months ago

        I’ve spent over 25 years with Linux. With multiple distros and a lot of that with Gentoo and Arch. At work I specify Ubuntu or Debian, for simplicity and stability. I always used to use the minimal Ubuntu, because it was tiny with no frills. For quite a few years I managed a fleet of Gentoo systems across multiple customers - with Puppet. Those have quietly gone away. I’ve dallied with SuSE (all varieties), Mandrake, Mandriva, RedHat, Slackware, Yggdrassil and more.

        Arch is surprisingly stable and being a rolling job there are no big jumps. When I replace one of our laptops, I simply clone the old one to it and crack on. I used to do the same with Gentoo - my Gentoo laptops went from an OpenRC job with dual Nokia N95 ppp connections around 2007 to through to around 2018 with systemd and decent wifi when I switched to Arch to allow the burns on my lap to heal. I still have a Gentoo VM running (amongst friends) on the esxi in my attic.

        It was installed in 2006 according to some of the kernel config files. I left it for way too long and had to use git to make Portage advance forwards in time and fix around a decade of neglect. It would have been too easy to wipe and start again. It took about a fortnight to sort out. At one point I even fixed an issue following a forum post I made myself years ago.

        Anyway, Arch is pretty stable.

        • @[email protected]
          1111 months ago

          At one point I even fixed an issue following a forum post I made myself years ago.

          I love when that happens lmao, it’s the best. Thank you past me.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          I know this was a long comment and I’m only reacting to 1 word, so, I’m sorry in advance… But man, your mention of Mandrake really brought me back… I couldn’t for the life of me remember the distro I used to use all the time and this just clicked it all back into place. So much nostalgia, switching from like red hat 5 or 6 (not rhel, old plain red hat) to mandrake and being so happy.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Red Hat was a torture device. I do not understand how things shook out the way they did.

            Hell, all of Linux was so crude. I don’t understand why we didn’t all just use BSD, like me!

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              I tried FreeBSD for awhile about 15 years ago. it was great, a lot of things I liked better than most Linux distros. But what drew me to Linux in the late '90s was the politics of the license and I just was never as comfortable with the BSD licensing. Honestly, it’s one of the things that worries me about the way Linux is going these days. Seems to be getting way more popular, yet a lot of the people showing up are just blind consumers.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              It is great to have choice. I remember buying a CD with OpenBSD (the one with a yellow pufferfish logo) back in the late 90s/00s and giving it a whirl. I broke my work PC somewhat with it but at the time I worked on a help desk and we used VT200 emulators to access “RMS”. I still had a term but graphics was out of the question! I could never get the modes right. I worked like that for six months. Everyone else had DOS and Win 3.114WG and they thought I was being deliberately edgy. I had a hell of a time working out how to map PF1-4 (DEC Vax) to local keys.

              I now run around 30 odd pfSense boxes across the UK. They run FreeBSD, with a frisson of PHP n that on top. My office cluster has six internets - two at 1Gbs-1. The two boxes are Dell servers with a lot of NICs (12 each) I will shortly be swapping out a few for 10Gb NICs. They are rock solid and just crack on and do the job. There are several packages that make life so easy: ACME - SSL certs; HA Proxy - proxy lots of sites with one IP; OpenVPN - we run a lot of them.

              However, pppd on BSD is single threaded which means that on an APU2 you max out at around 300MBs-1. Linux pppd is multi-threaded and does better (about 400Mbs-1 on the same hardware. Not exactly the end of the world. The real problem was sticking to APU2!

              Anyway. Run what you like - you have choice and choice is good.

        • Nix
          2011 months ago

          What does this mean lol it feels vaguely threatening towards debian

          • ratel
            4311 months ago

            So he can say his wife uses Arch (btw)

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            I run Debian on all of my Home Assistant boxes, apart from one where I am trying out HassOS. I also have a test Proxmox two node cluster at work with multiple SAN volumes. Proxmox is Debian based. Sadly, it isn’t very iSCSI friendly - you can’t do snapshots. I’m looking at possible VMware replacement options here.

            Am I threatening Debbie and Ian’s distro? I personally consider Ian to be a bit of a hero. He created Debian, and the world + dog has used it everywhere.


            Them Raspberry Pi thingies are certified (well bits are) for space. It used to be called Raspbian but the OS on a RPi is still Debian with knobs on.

      • oce 🐆
        2111 months ago

        Debian is sometimes frustratingly out of date for daily apps like the web browser. I’d rather recommend something with a bit more updates like Mint.

      • @[email protected]
        1311 months ago

        After many years of using multiple devices and even servers with Archlinux installed it never broke because of an update (spoiler: I use systemd-boot instead of grub). If a system is to be used by a less experienced user, just install linux-lts Kernel instead.

        Unstable does not mean it crashes/breaks often, it just means it does not guarantee to not bump to the newest upstream version and that it does not do backports. This can be a problem when using unmaintaned software that does not like using a recent python/php.

        This is also great because if you find a bug in a software you can report it to upstream directly. Debian maintainers only backport severe bugs, not every one of them. It can take over a year for new features to arrive - especially painful with applications like gimp, krita, blender, etc. You can use debian-unstable of course, which is close to upstream as well.

        • @[email protected]
          611 months ago

          I setup a pacman hook to reinstall grub and rebuild the config file after every grub update. This is apparently how the grub team expect people to use it. They want each distro to setup their own install scripts or something.

          So far no issues from grub and I’ve had it set up that way for half a year.

          • z3bra
            1111 months ago

            “Ability to reboot without breaking a sweat”

          • SokathHisEyesOpen
            911 months ago

            I have never had Arch break during an update. I’ve never had it crash. I’ve never encountered an issue I couldn’t resolve, and for that matter I don’t really encounter issues. Usually the only problems are that I haven’t installed a service that would usually come standard with another OS, so I have to check the wiki, install, and configure something.

            • @[email protected]
              711 months ago

              I haven’t had Arch break during an update, but I always check the home page first, there are absolutely times my system would have broken during a blind update.

              Arch doesn’t support blind updates - it explicitly tells you to always check the home page before an update in case “out-of-the-ordinary” user intervention is required. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/System_maintenance

              Basically, don’t run arch unless you’re willing to be a Linux system admin.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                Similar, but a little more involved, to Debian testing or unstable. Install apt-listbugs and when you go to upgrade it’ll let you know what issues are floating around. You can choose to work around the issue, or wait a day or two for the wrinkles to be ironed out.

            • @[email protected]
              611 months ago

              Stable doesn’t mean that the OS doesn’t break, but that the way it functions doesn’t change.

            • @[email protected]
              511 months ago

              I see. I asked because “stable” means different things in different distros. In Debian it means that interfaces and functionality in one version doesn’t change. If I set up a script that interacts with the system in various ways, parsing output, using certain binaries in certain ways etc, I should be able to trust that it works the same year after year with upgrades within the same release. To some people this is important, to some people it isn’t.

      • @[email protected]
        1111 months ago

        with arch it’s relatively easy given enough experience to build for someone absolutely minimal desktop environment which will run you a browser and that’s it and it will be rock solid even with rolling release updates because there’s nothing to break.

        every time I’ve tried “out of the box” desktop experience of ubuntu and likes it’s been atrocious with a lot of moving parts.

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        Define stable! Both are non rolling distros so that means that you have the upgrade jolt every few years. I have several VMs that started off life as Ubuntu LTS around 16 so from 2016 and are still running but now on 2022.04. Those are servers so relatively simple - web, PHP, Samba, DBs, etc. PHP is a pain to fix up. Ubuntu doesn’t have the rather neat slotting feature that Gentoo has so you get to do quite a lot of detective work to put it back together again. Debian is similar - again I have several systems that I manage that have gone through at least three or four Toy Story names.

        Arch is rolling so there is no break and continue point. There have been some packages that have broken or been broken but not the entire system and that suits me. The QA is surprisingly good from the devs. Arch really isn’t the bugbear, nightmare super ricer thingie that it is sometimes painted out to be. I find it a very thoughtfully put together distro with an awful lot of moving parts that are well integrated and a great toolset. Choice is paramount and delivered in spades without the micro management that Gentoo requires.

        It also helps that I have been doing this stuff for well over two decades so some challenges are no longer the challenge they once were.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Absolutely one of my favorite james acaster quotes! His whole Netflix special, “Repertoire” is just fantastic

  • @[email protected]
    11011 months ago

    Personally, if you can’t tell me if you are running Windows or MacOS, I don’t really want you downloading my software

      • @[email protected]
        5311 months ago

        Because whenever those kind of users report an issue, their reports are borderline useless.

        User: “I can’t make a comment”

        Dev: “What did the error message say?”

        User: “I dunno”

        Bonus if the user starts writing a 100-word paragraph which can be succinctly summarized as “I dunno, just fix it!”

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          I used to work with internet service for trains. I remember one support ticket filed by the train conductor:

          “Internet doesn’t work”

          No info regarding area
          No info regarding when
          No info regarding which carriage
          …or even which train.

          Well, I managed to jump through a few hoops, figuring out the schedule for this particular individual, and could deduce which train at least. Nagios reported everything as fine, but sometimes Nagios can lie, so I tracked it down and did the usual diagnostics onboard. Couldn’t find anything wrong.

          I phoned up the guy and it turned out he’d forgotten to enable wifi on his phone.

    • NX2
      9811 months ago

      I’m sure my grandma does not give a shit

      • Senicar
        2011 months ago

        I do Linux research for a living and I barely give a shit.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        I got my grandma a chromebox for easy updates and minimal tech support. I get a call from her probably once a month when a random tab she got to through Facebook puts her browser in full screen and says she has a windows virus. Sometimes she calls them but is smart enough to not give a credit card. Every time she calls me all scared and asks “I don’t have Microsoft right?” lol

    • moon_matter
      11 months ago

      Sometimes they can afford to not know because they have a relative who can manage the device for them. In which case they really wouldn’t be installing software on their own really.

      You would be surprised at how many people cannot even change the volume on their tablet.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        1211 months ago

        You would be surprised at how many people cannot even change the volume on their tablet.

        If that number is more than 0 then I would be very surprised. There are buttons on the side for volume and volume buttons have been standard on devices since at least the early 80’s.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          Had someone ask me why their phone didnt make noise or vibrate when they recieved calls the other day. They were pressing the volume down button with the unlock button to get the screen to turn on/off. So it would slowly mute the phone and take the vibrate off once muted.

          They would have benefited from the buttons not being less than half an inch away, and possibly on the opposite side. (Not sure what kind of phone it was, it was a cheaper device it seemed.)

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        This reminds me of that time where my mum entered the fastboot menu on her phone by mistake. She panicked and I just told her to restart, making sure she holds only the power button this time. It also reminds me of the first time I got into my first smart device (my Tablet’s) bootloader by mistake. I was 10, my parents had just bought me the tablet like a week ago and I was at my grandma’s so I understandably panicked a lot. But of course, no damage was done.

        • JackGreenEarth
          1211 months ago

          Now phones lock bootloaders, to protect others from making the same mistake you did.

          Isn’t that so nice of them? /s

    • Neato
      1711 months ago

      My aunt in her late 70s probably is only distantly aware. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turned her tablet around to check.

      • @[email protected]
        2111 months ago

        I don’t know, it sounds a bit Linux circle-jerky to me but then again a lot of people are indeed very clueless, true!

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        I wouldn’t say braindead. They just don’t care (because all they need a computer for is to read emails and use a text processor) or haven’t had the time to learn yet (every known fact must be learned for a first time at some point in your life, which means there is a time in your life where you don’t have that knowledge yet (ie. the time before you acquired that knowledge)).

      • @[email protected]
        911 months ago

        I think you mean a “Samsung”. Because like 50% of people using Android have no idea that they are.

        • jayrhacker
          -211 months ago

          I think you mean a “Pixel” because most Samsung customers only care that it’s “Not an iPhone”

          • @[email protected]
            1411 months ago

            For the past decade or more, people have been asking me if my phone is “iPhone or Samsung”, USB micro/C are referred to as “Samsung charger”, and I’m pretty sure no one knows what a Pixel is, though that may just be because the big carriers don’t offer them where I live.

            • SokathHisEyesOpen
              811 months ago

              That’s pretty disappointing, because Samsung is a terrible company, with a bad UI, and creepy privacy practices.

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                Sure, but Samsung has a massive advertising budget, and that’s what is truely important. It means it’s what people know.

  • 小莱卡
    5611 months ago

    Penguin fellas only download software from package managers and official repos tho

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    If the client is blocking OS fingerprinting by returning generic navigator.appVersion and userAgent values you should probably just assume Linux in the first place.

  • Ramin Honary
    11 months ago

    You mean, there are still websites that don’t auto-detect what OS you’re running and make you actually choose?

    • @[email protected]
      10711 months ago

      I actually hate it when a website does that, especially when it doesn’t let you download the application you want because your OS is not compatible. For example you wanna download some windows software to run it with Wine/Proton and the website detects you are running linux and does not let you download. I always need to spoof my User-Agent string to get access.

      • @[email protected]
        6811 months ago

        The correct solution (as with languages on websites) is to auto-detect but then make it super easy and obvious how to change if the auto detected version is not what the user wants.

        Also if any web developers out there are reading - don’t use the user’s location to determine the language/region they want, and especially don’t force it. I have no idea why so many websites do this but those responsible deserve to permanently have small amounts of sand in all their socks.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          How do websites choose a language by location? What about countries that have more than one official language?

          • @[email protected]
            1511 months ago

            Yeah, I’m saying they shouldn’t, but plenty of them do. They use geoip or location services to work out where you are and then use that to send you to the local site or the site in the language that they feel is appropriate for that location.

            If you’re really lucky they then make it difficult (and sometimes practically impossible) to switch.

            Besides the problem you’ve highlighted for countries with multiple languages, you also have immigrants, people on holiday, multilingual people, VPN users… And it’s not great for your SEO either.

        • @[email protected]
          711 months ago

          yeah it’s really annoying all my devices are in english but my native language is german so sometimes it’s in english and sometimes in german

    • The Quuuuuill
      2211 months ago

      The kind of website that distributes linux stuff is going to know most linux distros ship with Firefox set up to not report OS

      • Shadow
        311 months ago

        Hmm. If only it could all be done client side somehow, like maybe there should be a client side programming language for browsers? How cool would that be?

  • NX2
    3011 months ago

    On the other hand if you have a device you don’t know what OS is on there it is likely some kind of Penguin (TV, SmartFridge, Hearing system display)

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      My mom is tech illiterate and I buy all her devices for her. If I gave her a Mac she’ll just use it without knowing what OS it is.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Worked in a repair shop long enough to know that a whole lot of mac users just know they bought a “better computer” without any idea of what an operating system is, someone showed them that the photo they took on their phone magically appeared on their computer and that was all the info they needed to pay 2 grand for it

    • CandyDumDub
      311 months ago

      Oh, look! I have a weird windowzzzz with a weird dock! Is it windows 12!? /s

    • Nix
      3411 months ago

      For the confused: it seems to be a Visual Novel (possibly nsfw?) by the person who makes the comics with this character you’ve probably seen

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        And before he blew up with these comics, he made a fantastic series of RimWorld comics, which I highly recommend!

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Doesn’t he draw mostly naked characters in this series that look like they’re goddamn 12 year olds? That might relate more to related materials than the visual novel itself, but still.